Brexit or no Brexit

During the general strike in the UK in 1926, politics were about free trade and protectionism. Aren't you still having that debate with Brexit ? In those days King George the Fifth supported the Tories. Baldwin was from the left but had to appear to support free trade or he would not have got a guernsey. - At least, that is my understanding of the situation back then, and it might not be so different now. If history repeats itself, you might be going to have another nine days wonder.
Most people dont want to go out and try to do better. They just want to roll along. Those who have ambition and drive are in the minority but
support the majority which is why socialism is popular and having One World Order appeals.
Me? I worked for the guvmint, took the dosh and left town! You take path that is open to you at the time it appears.
Brexit? Im for it but one can only wonder what a hash Our Leaders will make of it.
My cousin who is still in the U. K. says that many people don't remember or are too young to remember what it was like to govern themselves. Kind of make you wonder really.
The biggest change during my lifetime has been about communication. These days there is much more opportunity to toss ideas about. When I was a kid, if you expressed an opinion which was not mainstream, you were much more likely to be called a Communist and effectively silenced. Social media is self-censoring, but ideas still get canvassed. This gives me hope that social change for the better, will happen. I have great faith in the collective - most people will do you a good turn, long before they will do you a bad one. Those who would manipulate the system for profit are facing a stronger up-hill battle.
I don't know whether Brexit is right or wrong, but I feel that the underlying capitalist agenda never changes. More power to the British worker for having a go at getting a fairer deal. I am still reading about the general strike in the UK in 1926. It is no wonder the expat Brits who came to Australia in the 1950s, became the leaders of many of our unions. The way the system was manipulated when George V was king, was horrendous.
Maybe its about time the poms gave off ruling the U.K.

How about the Irish or Scots have a turn . After all , it is a Democracy , so they have us believe .
The debate about free trade or protectionism is probably never-ending. But once a decision has been made, I cannot see any way of turning back without major disruption. A lot of political stuff is simply populism. The main issue in my mind is wealth inequality. The system is very much built towards favouring the top end of town. To my mind, wealth gets sucked-up - it does NOT ' trickle down'. In Australia, household debt is at an all-time high. So now the retailers are beginning to feel the pinch as people cannot afford to buy their Chinese-manufactured goods.
The only basis upon which countries outside of India and China can compete globally and still maintain well-educated, highly-paid workforces, is on the basis of quality. However the GATT meetings in Brazil in the 1970s were about preventing quality issues becoming barriers to trade. In about 1992, Standards Australia developed an IS9000 type standard for OHS management systems, which they hoped to turn into an International Standard. The American industrial lobby groups through ANSI sent 40 delegates to the ISO conference, to stop that from happening. I have a shed full of Chinese tools, which are cheap but OK. My friend has Chinese NC controlled mill, which is excellent. To me that says, regardless of all difficulties, American corporations are manufacturing in China. That factor might be modifying Trump's thinking.
Now we have a new PM I would like to remind him about his statement when he said "My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars"- Boris Johnson, 2015. . . . . . . . .Hmm . . . all I can say is, if he makes a big mistake like this while he is PM, then we are all in trouble! (joke)
There is definitely a trend developing in the major western first-world countries- the populace has tired of overlord bureaucracies fleecing and attempting to control them, when their constitution is such that they should be the SERVANTS. I see pay cuts for politicians coming next, and IT'S ABOUT TIME.