You won't belive what happen today

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Jul 11, 2010
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Hi All

This morning my mate came around on his Triumph bobber for a ride, we were still suffing from a big night on the piss, we were about 10 miles from home when we got pulled up be a unmarked police car, my mate said how are you today sir, the officer was surprised about this but he turned out to be a good cop, but he started to check out my mate's bobber, can't see the back number plate from behine, no front fender, no mufflers etc etc, the Queensland police are having a crack down on safety issues on bikes at the moment, he was a friendly copper and a ex bike cop, he didn't even look at my Norton as he said it looked good and everthing legal, he showed my friend Paul what fines he could get for all the defects, could have cost Paul over a $1000 in defects, he started to give Paul a ticket but for only $100 then he asked if we were going strait home and we said yes, as he was about to get in his car he asked if we were going to stop for a coffee and we said we going to get a burger, he said I through you were going strait home with a smile on his face.

Now this is where the best part happen, he asked where we were going for the buger and we told him, he said to Paul I have a old leather jacket at home that is just sitting in his wardroe and said he will go get it as he just lives near the shop we were going to, we ordered the bugers then sat outside when the cop pulled up with jacket in hand, he gave it to Paul and said its yours look after it, you won't belive it but it was in perfect condition, like new well worth over $400 and it fitted perfect, he gave us both a good hand shake and was just about to get back in the police car when he said, your are going strait home with a wink and smile on his face, but we did go strait home,

So give the cops some respect and you will always be treated fairly and it show you there are some good coppers out there.

All our mates won't belive this but its true.

Have a good one

The Co. state patrolman that pulled me overt last fall was not completely spellbound. He did say nice bike before he handed me a 370.00 ticket. Jim
Ah, this'll be the very rare good cop encounters thread then.

I got pulled on Christmas Eve for doing something over 80 in the pissing rain, was actually having a lot of fun (bit of a masochist). They caught up when I had to go twice around a roundabout after an idiot crawled out and blocked my exit. I was expecting the usual dressing down and ticket but what I got was really complimentary, got told I obviously knew what I was doing and a warning that everyone else doesn't so take care and got sent on my way.
Great Christmas present.
Many years ago I used to ride a T160 as my daily ride to work, same route ,same start finish time. One day, I spotted a motorcycle cop watching from a distance. I then started to notice him at different points on my ride, over the next few weeks. Anyway, one day he pulled me for speeding, which, made me smile, as I had seen him turn off at the start of my run & new he was not following me! I said obviously I coulnt have been going fast because the route you took, you would have had to have been flying to get in front of me. To which he smiled & said o' you spotted me did you? I filled him in on the other times I had noticed him. He then appeared every day somewhere on my route. Stopped me to suggest how I could improve my filtering, slow riding etc. I ended up doing a unofficial police craftsman course, following each other, full debrief ie 6 inches out of place on a corner. Even road pursuit . It knocked any thought of ever running from a motorcycle cop. Brilliant riders. A BMW R80 with full fairing panniers first aid sirens radio, really heavy bike with a hinge feeling at full tilt & even worse over white lines in the wet. (ask me how I know). He told me Commandos handled better but the BM's did the milage. Biggest thrill? running along the A5 towards Tadcaster & lighting up the sirens when my "friend " was out of site on a race NCR Ducati (with no lights etc) that I was looking to buy.
Never found the need to be rude to the boys in blue. Treat everyone the same & see what comes back.
all the best Chris
This is a good thread you started...

Here are my escapes from the law:

1. Caught doing 43mph on my FS1E in 1978 in a 30mph zone. My mum told the cops that she was going to make me sell it, got let off, thanks mum!
2. Speeding on A64 on RD400 near Tadcaster with bird on the back (now wife). Smooth talked my way out of that one by showing such an interest in his BMW R80. What a liar...
3. On Norton Commando one night near Blackpool. Car cuts me up with another girl on the back and nearly knocked us off. Stopped at next set of lights and kicked the side of the car as I set off with my baseball boots (it was an old heap of a car...). Twenty minutes later I was in Blackpool North police station having fingerprints taken after the car failed to catch me in a high speed chase. Three hours later I was released on bail for a month after the cops realised that the 'subsequent' damage to the old heap was actually the result of the owner taking a hammer to the door and not my soft baseball shoes. Apologies to all concerned and any furry animals that may have been run over that night. That was the closest I ever got to a criminal record. Youth an testosterone.
4. Best one. Decided to visit a mate in Blackpool 70 miles away and take the twisty route. Was around Blackburn, Bolton or Burnley ( I forget cos they are all grey and miserable compared to Yorkshire :D ) when I pull up in the left lane at some lights. Two lanes going into one. Car in the right lane starts revving his engine for a race. I am on an RD400. Light change, car sets off, I blip the throttle, roll it, as the forks dive I whack it back open and wheelie past the car giving the 'w*ankers' hand signal that we use here in the UK to 'compliment' someone on their driving. Car then races after me but the road is very busy and so I shoot ahead past about ten cars knowing that he can't get past them before we stop at the next traffic . Or so I thought. Car sppeds down the opposite side of the road and pulls up next to me at the lights, hand and card were thrust out of the left hand window with the greeting "Police, pull over"! Ooops. Now this did require some skill and negoatiation. My mum always taught me that attack is the best form of defense so I immediately informed them that I was intimidated by the car and that it was obviuos enticement. Ten minutes later after a thorough dressing down the cops let me go without penalty. As I walked off the police lady turned to me and said "and what did this mean then and gave me the w*ankers sign!" They must have p*ssed their pants afterwards.

I am pleased to report that my wife tells me that I'm quite grown up now. Don't try any of these stunts at home children.. :D
Hi All

Very good lads keep it goimg and see what happens, I have quite a few stories from my younger days but will tell some later if this keeps going.

I have some very good 'car' tales but I'll wait to see if I'm the only one stupid enough to come clean on the joys of youth...
How come I never get the nice cop pulling me over?

Actually, I've been let off with just a warning maybe 2 or 3 times...
Got picked up at the airport when coming home from on leave from my overseas duty station by my friends, as I wanted to surprise my Mom and dad. Of course they stopped at our favorite bar/hang out on the way home and met David there, he had his Norton 850 Interstate. Grinning like a Cheshire cat he asks, "Bet your're dying to ride again, ain't you?" I said, "bet your ass". Before I get the chance to even sip a beer, he tosses me the keys, points at his helmet on top of the Cigarette machine and tells me to have at it!

Kicked her to life and took off hitting 115mph when I see a New York State Trooper going the other way, looking in the mirror, I see the lights come on and him do a Luke Duke turn in the middle of the road! I just pulled over into a turn off, shut her down, took off my helmet and waited for him to get there.

He gets out of the car looking at me and asks, "Do You Know How Fast You Were Going????" I answered (quite truthfully), "Not really, at those speeds I don't look at the Speedometer". Of course that didn't go over too well. Asked for my license and registration. No reg as David has it in his pocket.... Told him this as I handed him my EXPIRED, NY license.

Of course, at the same time I hand him my US Army active duty ID card and a copy of my leave orders, that were dated the day before, originating in a country far, far away. He asked me when I got into town, looking at my watch I said about 10 minutes ago! He started laughing!!

He said, "Listen, you have been through a load of crap where you are. I know, I got out last year. We went on to talk a few minutes. While standing there, my friends come riding by in the car, looking for me! Blowing the horn and laughing at me when the see us.

The trooper tells me, Have fun Sarge, but if I catch you messing around again while you are home, your ass is mine!

PS: My dearest Driend David, who taught me more about Motorcycle, Riding, mechanic work and life diesd in a motorcycle accident on his way home to NY from Daytona. I miss him more than I can possibly explain. May God enjoy his company as much as I did.
So very true Debby, Sorry to hear about your friend Steve, I am sure he now rides where there are no idiots that will cut him off. My story is about the same, Going way too fast and being pulled over and told to cool it. The reason I think we got off was he said he and a few other patrol cars had just chased a bike a few days before and the rider crashed and lost his life. The cop didn't even seem to care about anything but our safety, There are alot of good cops out there. In fact I'm on my way right now to Joe Jost's in Long Beach to have a couple cold ones with a cop, Great guy. Ride safe my friends and be sure to pick the proper places to give her the juice. Chuck. :wink:
That is a great story and I too am sorry to hear about your friend. I have lost a few that can't be replaced so I am really glad when I get a chance to tell their stories.

Late '60s used to ride around (here in Texas) with a bottle of beer between my index finger & thumb leaving the last three fingers for the throttle (of my '67 TR6C). Fuzz pulled my friend & I over too sloppy to be on the road. Since we were only about half a mile from our destination, he let us go.

Another time on the same bike I raced a guy in a car off a traffic light. Cop steps out to pull us both over, car stops, I keep going, cop keeps his catch. Shortly afterward, being a dufus, I can't resist the urge to go back by to see if the car guy is gettin' a skull draggin'. Cop jumps out & snags me. Expensive lesson.
Got pulled on way home from the thundersprint - unmarked BMW up my backside on M62 @ 80mph so I wound it on and pulled over and slowed back to 80 to let it passed and he stayed on my 3/4s, came up to slower traffic so again wound it on to get passed and pulled back over and never seen so many blue lights on one car! Anyway after watching video and admitting to every problem in the world today he said "you do realise that 102.4mph in a 70mph zone is a ban so I'll only do you for 97mph" Bummer! Then his onboard computer went blank and wiped all the evidence and could'nt print ticket so he let me off. Have you ever tried not to burst out laffing in someones face so much that it hurts and you dare'nt even talk? He called me a jammy bastard as I got out!!
Happened to me in Northern Ca., out in the mountains on my Commando. Highway patrol pulled me over, asked me if I knew how fast I was going, told him I did'nt know, the speedometer was broken. He looked at my drivers license, and I apologized for the lack of motorcycle credentials. He thanked me for my honesty and told me he is supposed to call a tow truck. I panicked. He said, " I'm SUPPOSED to call a tow truck." He let me go home. Small town of Susanville. I'll always appreciate that.
By the way, the Highway Patrol said he clocked me at 85 mph. That was a good day on the mountain roads.
I have to say I have had more good times than bad with police. If it's a highway patrol they just want the money and usually write me up for the max speed to where they don't have to haul me in and do all the paperwork. No smiles from them. Local police are generally much friendlier.

A friend and I were crossing the Indian reservation in Arizona a couple years ago. We were cruising mid 80's in the middle of nowhere when right beside me in the left lane the cop hit his siren. Startled me so bad I nearly fell off my bike. I pulled over and he pulled up beside me still laughing. He asked where I was going in such a hurry. [55mph limit] I motioned toward my friend and said I was just trying to keep up with him. My friend laughed and said he was just trying to keep me off his ass. The cop just laughed and told us to ride safe. Jim
Hi All

Well here is another story that happen to me on my Norton when I was a young lad , I was at a set of lights one day when a motorcycle cop pulled up beside me, he looked at me and started to egg me on for a drag when the lights changed, I didn't know what to do but he insisted, when the lights turn green we both just dumped it, but the best part I left him for dead, but as soon as I hit 3 rd gear I slowed down, he wasn't far behine me as then it hit me that I mite get a ticket out of this, but was surprised that he looked at me waved me a good bye and he turned off, about 3 weeks later a friend of mine asked if I had any drags with a bike cop lately, I asked how he knew about it and he started to laught, turn out to be a old school mate of ours who had joined to Police force after he left school, I had taught him to ride my dirt bike when we were in our teens.

Have a few other stories but will see how this goes.

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