Wjho's in the wrong here?

Life is too short for that kinda crap. Soooo, she mentions that "her daughter has to get in".... What kind of example is she setting for her daughter? Not a good one that's for sure.
“Don’t you call a woman crazy” she screams, followed by calling the guy all the names under the sun, suggesting he is impotent, etc, etc

Seems to me that what tipped her over the edge was being calmly made aware that she was the wrong who had clearly parked badly!

Fair play to the dude, he stayed very cool. Some wouldn’t have. Then the news wudda been all over it !
she almost parked on top of his car and then bawls him out! Clazy rady :eek:

I'm sure I’ve seen reports of shootings for less reason, he was well controlled with his response.
It's entertaining for sure, but for me a little bit sad too...
Why film it??? The fact that he does, and we're watching it passing judgement (possibly without all the facts) doesn't sit comfortably when we're all decrying facebook and twitter on another page...
C'est la (modern) vie :)
That is not pretty.

I know there’s always two sides to a story, but it’s hard to put yourself in those officers shoes and think that that was a job well done.
In the film The Blue Lamp (1950) George Dixon is shot and subsequently dies. 'Dixon of Dock Green' was ~5 years after the film.
For some reason I though it was Richard Attenborough that did the dirty deed, but a quick check revealed it was that nasty Dirk Bogarde :)
Not sure what his penance was in the film, but did he appeal when GD reappeared??