What happened in the shed last night


Jul 11, 2010
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I think this be a good place to put this and some may have a laught from my little drama, I was having a few drinks yesterday afternoon which ended way into the night (5 large bottles of Coppers stout), I have set up my old record player on the work bench to listen to some of my old records I was sitting on my high chair beside the work bench, after having about 15 glasses of stout, I am doing some work on my Norton and its sitting beside the work bench and chair with the tank and seat off the Featherbed frame (not working on it while PISSED of course) when all of a sudden I went to get up off the chair when all hell broke loose, I have gone arse up chair and all and on the way down hit my right side of my head on the Featherbed frame, neally knocked myself out :oops:, after getting upright again, took some time as by that time my 2 cattle dogs were all over me,(proberly having a goood laught) and bleeding from my injuries from a few cuts beside my right eye, I finaly got up and made it up to the house, where the wife, my oldest daughter, her new boyfriend and a girl friend of my daughter was in the kitchen, they all freaked out (or laughting) the wife saying I will need stiches but me being a tuff old bugger just laughted it off as we all do.

Well woke up this morning and had a good look in the bathroom mirror, conclusion, one black eye and a few cuts on the right side of my eye, now got to think up a good story to tell the mates, but the worst thing about this is it was the first time I met my daughter's new boyfriend and a few hours before I had him up in the shed laying down the law to him :roll: I wonder what he thinks of me now.

So next time I'm having to many beers in the shed I might have to wear my open face helmet :lol:

You could claim you were trying out for the rugby team in a super secret late night tryout and the good old boys thought so well of you they got you pissed (drunk?)
When my youngest daughter got home this morning I told her she missed the big brawl here last night and the other guy is in hospital and in worst shape than me, she went straight up stairs and ask mum about it but dear old mum can't keep a straight face and she knew it was B/S straight away, she asked if I fell over and when I told her what happened she fell over :lol:

It is too late now, but you should have said something like ....

"I was pulling the clutch off the old girl, when the retainer clip came loose and the pressure plate flew off and whacked me in the head, then I stumbled backwards and the rookfram on the shelf fell on me cutting my eyelid, meanwhile the dogs got excited and attacked the rookfram but bit me on my heel instead .... beer? what beer?"

Out today on the Triumph and 5 difrent poeple asked me how I got the shinner and so far have given 5 diffrent happenings, all a bit of fun at my own expense, but its also funny when some see me in my leathers and i take the sunnies off, they tend to walk aways or give me a big berth.

The Copper's stout is a strong natualy brew beer (6.3% alc.) usualy I only have 4 large bottles but I got greedy and openned up the 5th bottle as it taste so nice it just creeps up on you and before you know it, it hits you in the head, or in my case the wobbly legs then the head :lol:

Well, now you have plenty of time to think up a REALLY GOOD story for next time!

hee hee

Glad it didn't do you in.
So refreshing to hear its someone else feeling surprised/stupid and showing it. How about a close up as takes about 3 days for good shiner color to bloom. Extra fun thinking about the laughing big dogs rubbing it in while still dazed. Had wife help me slide in rear axle on another fatso tire change on SV, which has not provision to lift - so rag on jack and towel against tank I jack it up against a wall with it leaning bottom out ward some to stay against wall. Made sure wife did not pull on roller jack but I almost got us all arising for axle nut put hand on seat rear to arise but stopped that stupidity in time to avoid falling in garage again.
grandpaul said:
Well, now you have plenty of time to think up a REALLY GOOD story for next time!

hee hee

Glad it didn't do you in.

Well they say most accidental deaths happen in the home, Steve you are right about the bruser getting bigger after a few days, was just the eye lid and now have a nice shinner below the the eye, I look like a prize fighter after doing a few rounds.
Going to have a few beers today with a mate, but going to give the Coppers stout a miss for a while and go back the my nomal beer XXXX Bitter Ale, at leese I can drink a 1/2 a 30 pack and still walk (XXXX Bitter Ale is a old Queensland beer, but over the last few years they have gone down from 4.9% to 4.6% alc to cut cost without telling anybody, bloody brewies) as you can tell I like my beers and living with 3 women in the house its my only excape other than taking the bikes out and of course having a few mates over that I have grown up with most of my life and we are all still riding together after 40 years, life is great, but can be dangerous, even in your shed :lol: might bolt that bloody chair to the floor :roll:

Duly noted on the women work rounds, adapting, reasoning with back peddling apologizing as similar to cycles and can be as dangerous and more costly across the species. Enjoyed putting myself in your interval of chaos out side of riding time.

A couple years ago I had to replace my SuVee brake lever d/t Graveling spill and was gonna put a video of me whipping it clean then immediately putting on big bolt cutters to snip off 1/3, so with this thot in mind from LH squat lifted off side stand to upright for some reason - > it got over center to drag me across bike to land on brake lever popped of exactly where I wanted ... ugh.

Wes and I decided too hot to ride or work so off to movie in city and maybe a brew or something along the way.
Ash, you're the first guy I've ever heard of to have a motorcycle wreck whilst sitting on the stool in the garage quaffing adult beverages. :lol:
Its a bad medical problem this wobbly leg sidrome and think you don't have that or addmit to having that problem, thinking you can just keep going and forcing another bottle of strong beer down the throat to find at the end it has got hold of you and its going to bite you hard, but I will also addmit to having a few crazy accidents in my shed over the years even without the strong beer or none at all, sheds can be dangorus places and sometimes the brain gives way doing things safely and even more so now I have added a lathe and milling machine to my workshop, but I do like to tinker while having a beer or 2 and have done some of my best work while having a few beer, but I do know when to stop (not the drinking but the work of course) and how many of the world problems you have solved while having those few to many beers with your best mates up in the shed, also think about all the great ideas you also get in your head for the next project, thats if you remember them the next day :roll:.

What would life be like without my shed.

Well I am a glutten for punishment, its fathersday here so I just gone out and brought myself 5 more large bottles of Coppers stout, but before I start on them I am going to bolt that bloody chair to the floor and move the bike right away from it and put a few couishions on the floor so I have a soft landing, where that bloody stack hat.
