Well said Lord Sugar...

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Fast Eddie

Oct 4, 2013
Country flag
This SO hits the nail on the head...
Well said Lord Sugar...
I like that - wouldn't have a clue who Lord Sugar (or SO) is though.
Change the names of the journalists and media organisations and that could also ring very true in Australia.
Many "high level" journos are nothing but pathetic, negative, nit-picking whingers.
I like that - wouldn't have a clue who Lord Sugar (or SO) is though.
Change the names of the journalists and media organisations and that could also ring very true in Australia.
Many "high level" journos are nothing but pathetic, negative, nit-picking whingers.
Very similar to the media in the states.., easy to sit back and "armchair quarterback" situations/events. Cj
"This is all I can stands. I can't stands no more! "
Lord Alan Sugar.
Wealthy, self opinionated business man who presents a reality TV programme called 'The Apprentice'.
Remind you of anyone else?
At least the Trumpster was elected - well sort of.
If politicians didn't do stupid stuff, they wouldn't get called out for it. Of course stupid stuff can be an opinion these days. Then we have politicians that say stuff on camera and then go on Breitbart and deny they ever said it and a certain percentage of people believe them.
It's not that people believe them so much as they just don't care. We're talking about uneducated folks who
never heard of the concept of critical thinking.
It's not that people believe them so much as they just don't care. We're talking about uneducated folks who
never heard of the concept of critical thinking.

Unfortunately, they vote with these credentials!

The world is now waaay too complex for us to permit ignorant and or stupid politicians.
But, but....thinning the politician herd does nothing for th voter herd
It's not that people believe them so much as they just don't care. We're talking about uneducated folks who
never heard of the concept of critical thinking.

Hmmm, you don’t have to be uneducated to have a lack of critical thinking. I dunno about your system over there, but I have long been of the opinion that our education system actually discourages critical thinking. Something that has become MUCH worse with the advent of modern technology. Don’t know something? Google. Gotta write and essay? Copy paste. This does not help to train thinking.
It all starts with religion Nigel.

There is a big man you cannot see or meet and his son dies and then comes back to life. OK.
Inject bleach and it will kill the virus. OK.
Whilst I think the Government are making the best of of bad job regarding the virus, what really pisses me off is that we spent billions of pounds we really could not afford, tooling up for a cold war that never happened. In 1919 there was a deadly flu pandemic & in an era with very little international travel an estimated 50 million people died. Any one with half a brain must have known this would happen again, yet we seem to have spent no time & money tooling up for it. All governments around the world are to blame for the mess we are now in.
Useless WANKERS all of them!
In Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 farewell address, he warned US of this.

"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense. We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security alone more than the net income of all United States corporations.

Now this conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet, we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources, and livelihood are all involved. So is the very structure of our society.

In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Well at the risk of being political, I feel that the governments of the UK and US in particular have seriously mismanaged and underestimated Covid-19.
I don't need to justify this statement, just look at the numbers.
I watch daily as the numbers head north and the politicians and scientific advisors present targets missed and detail increasingly intellectually sophisticated arguments for either doing nothing or not following WHO guidance. Mental masturbation at its finest. And of course we in the UK know so much better than everyone else.
Either the UK scientific advisors are being constrained by the politicians or they are incompetent. They do not seem to have read the Ladybird book of Epidemiology.
Sure I am something of an armchair expert - retired for 9 years now - but I have done my best by lobbying politcians and the press about the number of people entering the UK before and since lockdown without any testing or quarantine. The numbers are staggeringly large. 18.1 million people entered the UK between January 2020 and lockdown. Of these 273 were isolated. During lockdown 95,000 entered the UK with no testing or isolation https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...ew-uk-lockdown-nearly-5000-may-have-infected/. Please note the Daily Telegraph is a right wing paper! 1800 private plane flights also landed in the UK during lockdown https://metro.co.uk/2020/05/19/1800-private-planes-have-landed-uk-since-lockdown-began-12726886/. And yet in my little Devon town businesses are closed and people have lost their livelihoods. It is beyond belief. Our government of charlatans and chancers are an utter disgrace. Boris Johnson (a 3rd rate Winston Churchill tribute act) is almost invisible - and he was before he was ill with the virus. The ministers are disingenuous and devious. An example is Michael Gove - as one commentator put it - a man so duplicitous he could not be trusted not to stab himself in the back! Boris Johnson was skewered by Keir Starmer (Labour Opposition Leader) last week and misled parliament (that's as close to lying as it gets in the UK) about care home guidance. We have honoured the wartime generation by killing them off in droves in care homes including the splendid Chelsea Pensioners (10 dead and counting). Lord Sugar is full of optimism bias and something else! Doing your best is what Cub Scouts do. What happens if your best is not good enough?
I am seriously worried about my children and grandchildren and I'll do what I can to help them.
At least I can now take my bike out for a ride.
Btw the grandkids just love Popeye even in black and white!
Take care out there my Norton friends.
The Texas state legislature tried to ban 'critical thinking' from school not many years ago. Can't have people thinking for themselves in Tejas.
Lord Sugar ? Remember him as the purveyor of Amstrad brand hi fi. His signal to noise ratio has not improved , he just gets louder and louder.
Interesting points guys.

As to the question ref has the govt handled this perfectly, I’d agree with anyone who says no!

But science is a slippery eel. There are many credible scientists saying lockdown should have been sooner and harder, then there are many saying it’s made little, or no long term difference to the effects of the virus. And each one can prove their point with ‘science’ !

Lots of things have gone wrong in many areas, you criticise the U.K. govt for not following WHO advise, but they were the ones telling the world to keep flying... moreover, specifically telling the world it was safe to maintain air passenger traffic in and out of China !!

Their current advice is to test. Testing only helps containment if it drives sound tracking, tracing and isolating. This is a well proven approach at containing viruses in the early stages, but there are huge questions about its practicalities when you have hundreds of thousands infected.

Andy, can you expand a little on your worries for you children and grandchildren? My biggest fear for mine is growing up in a crippled economy. I also fear the possibility of a future deadly virus, but covid 19 is not that virus. My hope is that covid 19 will make govts, and the WHO, properly study the situation post covid 19, and if they do, it will at least help us with any future deadly outbreaks.

But... back to the Sugar point... if any of you think Piers Morgan knows any better than the govt, or is helping out in ANY WAY with his approach, then there’s where we simply have to agree to disagree.
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