University education

Jun 30, 2012
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Youtube videos could be used to teach the basics in every subject. However many school teachers would not cooperate the make videos, because of intellectual property considerations. They do not believe in other people gaining a 'wealth of knowledge' at their expense, in a money-motivated world. A lot of things in life depend on mindset and attitude - what is 'for the common good'. When I know things, I am always prepared to share my knowledge.
Youtube videos could be used to teach the basics in every subject. However many school teachers would not cooperate the make videos, because of intellectual property considerations. They do not believe in other people gaining a 'wealth of knowledge' at their expense, in a money-motivated world. A lot of things in life depend on mindset and attitude - what is 'for the common good'. When I know things, I am always prepared to share my knowledge.
Most school teachers I know are so tired after trying to keep order in a class all day plus supervise sports teams and extra activities they have little spare time left.

I have never ever heard a single one talk about intellectual property considerations. This simply isn't true.

Teaching is not a rewarding profession today. Most entered the profession to do exactly that " share their knowledge" . But it isn't easy.
So where are your you tube videos showing how to prepare a race bike? Building the ultimate Norton for road use.? The video showing why drum brakes are dangerous?
Document who these many teachers that refuse to co operate with producing these you tube videos. Is it just a thought in your mind.
In my trade, as more safety/engineer people started to come onto the job sites, I was told how I do things had to be changed. I asked why. I was told because others watch how I do things and they didn't like it. I said I know what to look for and how to do it without pushing the limits. The response was that the people watching don't know how to watch for the limits.
So much for your you tube videos as how are questions asked and answered.
Go shake your cane at the sky. People need to understand not just how to do something, but also why. Not every situation is text book, Understanding the how and whys is important in making a good decision on how to proceed. Yes, just like drum brakes, the wrong decision can kill people.
So, just take a you tube collage tour and see how many instructional videos are just totally wrong. Now unleash this on the open world as being gospel.
Actually the more I think about this the grumpier I get.

Not one single teacher I ever met got into it for the money. They would have to be crazy to think they would get rich teaching.

They do not keep their knowledge to themselves because they are wealth motivated. Frankly this is one of the dumbest things I have heard in a long time.

Maybe I'm annoyed because my teacher sister who is a couple of years away from retiring got bitten recently by a dog in the street while she was out doing school related activities in her own time.

Now she is looking at weeks off work.

99% of teachers are out there trying their best and getting bugger all pay for it. If you want to pick on a profession then go find another one.

And yes I'm annoyed. And I'm not a teacher.
I don't do very many videos, but I have done EXTENSIVE online posting across multiple platforms, of EVERY restoration, rebuild, scratch build, and refurb since around 1998, way back on the Delphi forums. Typically sharing all my parts sources and professional subs (chrome shop, painters, machinists, powdercoat shop, cad platers, polisher, etc.). I've even offered all my AutoCAD drawings for free, though sometimes I've managed to trade them for stuff (should be a pair of Triumph fork gaiters headed my way right now, in trade for my Commando engine cradle drawing to scale)...

Really the only videos I've done are a half-dozen "first kick" startups on stone cold bikes, and the one showing how to check an alternator rotor hub for looseness.
To create a viable video offering solid guidance and information one first has to have an in depth knowledge of how to produce such a video. The major percentage of videos I look over are most all suffering from the cart before the horse syndrome.
It takes years to learn this craft and develop the skill to produce something of quality.

I have no interest in a Norton video where someone shows one wide shot of a bike being kick started and then slaps a go pro on their handle bars, records an hour of looking at their helmeted head while driving down some dull-assed municipal road replaying old Allman Bros. songs to try and cover the wind noise.
And then posts it as a great video offering an introspective view of "Riding the Norton Commando".

I've been lambasted in here by a variety of "experts" for calling out just such offerings, asking questions they were not prepared to answer, or noting the short-comings of some out of focus shot, horrid lighting, garbled audio or meandering focus...and I don't mean optically. More than one "personality" in particular comes to mind.

Kids spend too much time staring at a screen these days, more screentime viewing of "Why is there air?" is a long way from an honest method of educating.
Videos can be a great learning tool, but a very low percentage of them are qualified as being so.
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I have no interest in a Norton video where someone shows one wide shot of a bike being kick started and then slaps a go pro on their handle bars, records an hour of them driving down some dull-assed municipal road replaying old Allman Bros. songs to try and cover the wind noise. And then posts it as a great video offering an introspective view of "Riding the Norton Commando".
I only did the kickstart part, and tried to narrate it so that the process was relatively clear. Nothing pretentious.
I hated school and couldn't get out the door quick enough at 15 (legal age here to leave school) and the only university I was interested in was the university of life, learn by your mistakes (lucky didn't make too many) and admit when you do make mistakes and fix them, take advice from the experience, I learned a lot of skills in my life some self learned and spending 20 years as a T/A to maintenance fitters at a Tec College (TAFE here), I now have a well set up shed/workshop, I worked with some talented extradies/teachers, but there was also a lot that were bad at their trade and why they become teachers.
I watch a lot of u Tube but I get bored with watching people riding on their bikes I get real bored watching them, I ride instead, get sick of seeing riders with their cameras stuck all over their bikes and the worst ones BMW adventure owners as well others on their adventure bikes with the camera stuck on their helmets and standing on their foot pegs while riding on the roads (W T F is that all about) see so many fools doing that these days, I am a dirt bike rider but standing up on the road.
Back in the 1980 my Norton was the first bike I ever built when doing the Featherbed conversion, took my time and was out of work when I started it so used as much as I could from the Commando with machine work done out, everything else was built and done by my own hands with used what I had at the time, must have done something right as it's still going with a few improvements and upgrades over the 42+ years after building it.
I am not tec smart but am good with my hands and I use my brain, I get something stuck in my head and then I do it, think it through if I have a problem but never get angry, walk away if that happens and think about it, even sleep on it as there is always a way of doing it right.
I learned more about myself and how to do things with out help but when I started at the Tec College back in 1982 I did a lot of after hrs and night courses (welding, machining and fabulation courses to hone in a few skills) and helped me to get in the maintenance workshop where I learned a lot from 2 very good young Fitters.

Youtube videos could be used to teach the basics in every subject. However many school teachers would not cooperate the make videos, because of intellectual property considerations. They do not believe in other people gaining a 'wealth of knowledge' at their expense, in a money-motivated world. A lot of things in life depend on mindset and attitude - what is 'for the common good'. When I know things, I am always prepared to share my knowledge.

Teachers do not have intellectual property as per the meaning of the combined words.
They have gained knowledge that they then pass on for money. (The short version with noble cause as an option)

In saying that I am sure many teachers would jump at the chance to make class videos at home (No actual interaction)

Time for today's class kids.

It would appear 30% or less worldwide are male teachers now.
A dangerous trend that has been dropping for decades in this part of the world (AU/NZ)
How many male teachers have been accused of doing things to their students and to be later to be proved innocent, but not get the backing from head office, student are smart these days and can get away with a lot, mostly the high school students are the worst, its a shame really but that's how things have gone.
If a student has a grudge against a teacher, it only takes one complaint, even if proven innocent, it still be on their record, I seen it happen to a teacher at the Tec College I worked at, he was suspended for over 6 months while investigation were on going, proven the student lied and still lost his job at the college, he left teaching in despair and the dept. didn't back him.
No wonder less males don't want to get into teaching.
Teachers do not have intellectual property as per the meaning of the combined words.
They have gained knowledge that they then pass on for money. (The short version with noble cause as an option)

In saying that I am sure many teachers would jump at the chance to make class videos at home (No actual interaction)

Time for today's class kids.
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It would appear 30% or less worldwide are male teachers now.
A dangerous trend that has been dropping for decades in this part of the world (AU/NZ)
I hadn't realised the trend towards female teachers
Looking at the percentage in primary schools in the UK it's 97% female
With one in three primary schools not having any male teachers at all!
This is not healthy at all especially with some kids coming from broken homes with no father and no male roll models at all
How many male teachers have been accused of doing things to their students and to be later to be proved innocent, but not get the backing from head office, student are smart these days and can get away with a lot, mostly the high school students are the worst, its a shame really but that's how things have gone.
If a student has a grudge against a teacher, it only takes one complaint, even if proven innocent, it still be on their record, I seen it happen to a teacher at the Tec College I worked at, he was suspended for over 6 months while investigation were on going, proven the student lied and still lost his job at the college, he left teaching in despair and the dept. didn't back him.
No wonder less males don't want to get into teaching.
Exactly. I also know about this. No male should ever teach teenage girls in the average to below average classes. Generally they are much safer in the top academic classes where the students want to work not create trouble.
Going back to when my children were at school, a male teacher disciplined a female student. That female student was heard by a female teacher in the toilet block telling another student that she was going to get the teacher back and was going to make a sexual complaint about him. The following day she made a sexual touching complaint to the school principal about her teacher, who immediately notified the police. The teacher was immediately suspended without pay.

The police were made aware of the girls intentions by both the teacher that overheard the conversation, and by the other student, however the teacher was still charged. The police attitude was that the complaint was a ‘serious one and a decision on the teachers guilt or innocence should be determined by the courts’. 6 months later In court, the case was heard and the teacher was found not guilty.

But that teacher never returned to the profession that he loved, and still had to pay his large legal costs. The disgraceful attitude of police in regards to cases involving unsubstantiated allegations is still the same. Charge whoever the complaint is made about, and let the court decide. That way the police cannot be blamed for not acting on a complaint, even if it destroys an innocent persons career.

No male in their right mind would start a teaching career.

So - you guys do not find the following informative ? :

And this:

Also this :

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I achieved my tertiary qualifications while studying part-time while working. Many of the people who trained me in chemistry were formerly Nazis and some were Jews. In later years, I did a bit of sessional teaching at tertiary level.
I suggest many people get educated only to get a better-paying job. Anything I ever did, I did out of genuine interest. When you do that, you always get the best jobs.
One of my bosses was a quarter Jewish - he was assessed and sent through the door which led to Paris in the Whemacht. Another of my friends in the same laboratory, was a police woman in Germany during WW2. My best friend was the Allies' secret weapon in the Italian Army.
I like school teachers, whenever I need to learn the basics, I go back to school. But most of them don't seem to be able to use modern technology. When I taught, I always had a website with discussion papers, and ran classes as discussion groups. One of my students was dyslexic - he really liked my classes - he really learned in that environment.
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The only jobs for which I ever applied , were always those which involved my interests, And I only ever studied things which interested me - mostly distantly related to motorcycles. I spent most of my working life in engineering factories. - aircraft, weapons and explosives. I can drive a mill and a lathe, and also weld a bit - but my main loves are analytical and applied chemistry, safety and quality management.
For me, working was never about the money - I like to get paid, but I do not care how much.
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I'll let you into a secret.

Norman White isn't a school teacher.
I suggest trade teachers are the best. I have one trade ticket - in welding inspection. The fella who ran the course was excellent. I actually learned how to operate a submerged arc welder.
When I was at school, many things were taught out of context. So when I sat in a classroom, a second conversation was always going on in my head. In Australia, we are taught history without discussing politics or religion. To me that is stupidity. Australians do not usually know how Sydney got it's name. - Who was Lord Algernon Sydney ?- Ask an Australian.
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I suggest trade teachers are the best. I have one trade ticket - in welding inspection. The fella who ran the course was excellent. I actually learned how to operate a submerged arc welder.
When I was at school, many things were taught out of context. So when I sat in a classroom, a second conversation was always going on in my head. In Australia, we are taught history without discussing politics or religion. To me that is stupidity. Australians do not usually know how Sydney got it's name. - Who was Lord Algernon Sydney ?- Ask an Australian.
"I'm on the phone to Sydney!" "Sidney hoo ?"
"Sydney Auuustralia "
You'd have to ask a Brit what that's about 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Teacher all teach by the book set out by the head office, primary school teachers have a time frame in what is to be taught each day to get through the year, one teacher one class for the year, in high school the students have 6 teacher for the day each teacher has their set teachings and all by the book, same as trade/tec teacher in the class room they are by the book for each trade that is set by the head office but in the workshop they are taught the hands on and the right way of doing things.
When I was in primary school we also had cricket and Aussie rules footy all coached by a male teacher who had a normal class during the day and coached after school for an extra hour, these days there aren't male teachers there to do any coaching and now they have a female teacher who has no real understanding of footy or cricket, sad really, so those inter school matches have be removed and only safe sports are used where students aren't at risk of being hurt these days and Friday afternoon matches with other schools in the area are no longer played.
Any sports played at schools now are all soft sports and the risk of getting hurt has long gone out of sports days.
Sports was a big part of school in my days back in the 60s and everyone was very active at lunch time playing cricket or football depends on the season and not too many over weight kids, how that has changed.
