The top four most despised leaders of the world

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I’m sure the thinking of those aforementioned is that not for America’s isolationism their countries would have suffered far less.
like I said. most this side of the pond are grateful. it's when we are told we were saved that gets our hackles up. might never of won but we sure as hell would never have surrendered
like I said. most this side of the pond are grateful. it's when we are told we were saved that gets our hackles up. might never of won but we sure as hell would never have surrendered
That's because your inflated egos would never admit you were losing. Got you through the blitz. Took you to the end. Nothing behind it since other people got ship's cannons.
we were 20 miles from france we'd fought for over 4 years in the bloodiest war in history just 20 years previously. unlike you. we didn't have a pot to piss in. very easy being the big man 3000 miles away safe in the knowledge a bomb wont drop on your neighbourhood. when push came to shove. we stood up along with the commonwealth. usa knew it would have to take part eventually. but boy. didn't you make a bob or two out of us 1st!!!!!!
Only a Bob? When America came into the war, Roosevelt got nearly all the car makers turning production to making tanks and other war related items. The lend - lease he negotiated with Churchill meant we didn't stop paying USA until about 75 years after the war ended because some ships which we paid for were sunk in American waters because all the shore lights were on and the U boats could see when they set sail! Sometimes your friends are your own worse enemy, I'm sad to say. It's a good job the Yanks can make war films but do they have to insult us by saying that it was an American warship that got hold of the first German Enigma machine off a stricken U boat?
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