Terminal velocity

I've been giving this some thought here at work. I work in an auto supply house and a vast majority of our stuff comes from China. Due to the backlogs at west coast ports and the cost of transshipment to the east coast backorders and delays have become all too common The Chinese have started to use large freight balloons to ship us stuff, and look how we have reacted. :p
My first thought....Welcome to WW3


  • Terminal velocity
    381.6 KB · Views: 91
One would think a more suttle way of grounding these "objects" should be the objective to see what the on-board payload is....instead of vaporizing them šŸ™ƒ


  • Terminal velocity
    455 KB · Views: 95
It turns out that the first balloon was detected prior to the 28th of Jan in China....you are being lied to...
The last administration could detect stuff long before it could potentially reach Montana and seen by the naked eye šŸ‘€
You all have it wrong, it's just a weather balloon trust the Chinese, not, but really think about it, how many things have you brought in your life that is Chinese made and it has broken or worn out within a short time of use.
Maybe the same thing is happening with their Chinese made spy satellite's they keep breaking down and now they are turning back the clock and using old technology that they know works.
Or maybe there is no more room for all these satellite's that is above us and the risk of colliding that they trying new ways of spying.
Nuclear bombs cost a lot of money to produce, we just send bolloons over with a deadly virus, no they already done that sending their own people around the world, no need for balloons.
I am sure what ever it was used for we will never know, there will always be a cover up or they might come out and say, that was a good idea never would have thought that would work.
Who would know as I am sure you or me will never know the truth.