Shuttle valve forks

im trying to loosen the bottom bolt on my 1969 T120 (part no H2126).

It’s in a recess in the bottom of the forks and looks as if it needs a slim tube spannerof a thin walled 1/4” drive socket.

What size is the bolt head, feels to be between 8 and 9mm.

As an alternative any other ways of removing as replacements can be found.

Many thanks

Try a 2BA socket or 1/8 Whit, but why do you want to disturb it, as soon as its loose the internal compression bump stop will want to turn and you then need a socket on a very long extension to stop that turning. Same rigmarole to replace and the issue of getting it to seal against oil leaks.
I realised that i didnt need to remove the bolt......I was thinking of previous BMW airheads, which has a more complicated damper rod that should be removed as part of forks R&R