Oil Filter tension

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robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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How do you guys tighten your oil filters?
On cars I have found firm hand tightening sufficient over many years.
I realise a big 360 degree twin vibrates much more and the manual advises clamping the filter to a fixed blade.
But much time has passed and the "rubber" ring is probably very different to the mid-seventies.
So... is the "firm hand tension" good enough or is there good, sage advice to counter this?
Lightly oil the ring, tighten by hand and assuming it's a Commando with the filter in the normal place, there should be a blade and a large hose clip around both.
+1 for only hand tight... if you overtighten and don't have a removal tool it'll be a right B*****d to remove
I really struggled to get mine off. Strap or chain wrenches just slipped, so I ended up driving a screwdriver through it - what a mess. Afterwards I bought some of These
Took mine off yesterday after the first hundred miles, I thought I had just hand tightened it. It took a lot of effort and thought to say the least.
So thanks Cliffa just bought the tool to remove it.
Just oil the seal and tighten by hand
you have jubilee clip to stop it coming loose
and I've always found them harder to undo than to tighten
so I have always assumed they are self tightening
Just oil the seal and tighten by hand
you have jubilee clip to stop it coming loose
and I've always found them harder to undo than to tighten
so I have always assumed they are self tightening
'self tightening?' A shame the rest of the fasteners weren't to the same design, no? I assume the hot oil swells and eventually hardens the seal, but doubtless there's cleverer minds than mine out there that really know..
'self tightening?' A shame the rest of the fasteners weren't to the same design, no? I assume the hot oil swells and eventually hardens the seal, but doubtless there's cleverer minds than mine out there that really know..
Ha ha...:D
I don't know about earlier models, but my Mk3 has a hose clamp around the filter that will not let it back off no matter the tightness.
Therefore, I just snug mine up. Never had a problem sticking.
'self tightening?' A shame the rest of the fasteners weren't to the same design, no? I assume the hot oil swells and eventually hardens the seal, but doubtless there's cleverer minds than mine out there that really know..
I'm sure I read some secret Norton service notes written by Norton boffins about the oil filter being self tightening
Unless the bike was left idling for too long at the north pole!
Maybe I dreamt that tho?;):D
Hand tight, pretty snug. Then back off 1/4 turn.
No disrespected are you sure??? I really wouldn't be recommending owners back off a spin on oil filters
The blown engines I have seen over the years where owners not knowing what there doing and not tightening (cartridge of canister) type correctly...and the contents of the sump being pumped onto the road...
I dont know, but doing this way since my dad taught me and i havent had leaks and it is still a bit of a mission for me to get them off. I do have a pretty strong grip tho, so who knows. Plus, the banjo keeps it locked on.
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