Ohio Train derailment

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Adding news links to a discussion already containing news links, in a segment of the conversation discussing the accuracy of those news links would appear reasonably legitimate.

Using ‘Cause’ if it’s on the internet it must be true’ as a rebuke for those with a slightly more ‘mainstream view’ is an interesting proposition!;)
You're wasting your time Stephen.
Follow the money!!! Absolutely. What happened to the track side hot box sensors? Probably not working due to cost cutting of maintenance. They are supposed to be every 8 to 10 miles.

My Masonic Lodge brother, a retired RR engineer, tells me they were "bootlegging " the cars carrying toxic materials. These were, by regulation, to be moved by special trains limited to 50 cars or less, subject to hazardous material speed limits and other regulations. Obviously, slipping them into a train carrying non hazardous commodities, is a money saving tactic, which in this case, backfired, and may result in financial death of the company.

This makes a lot of sense.
Again here is another example of "Woke Hypocrisy"

Government announces bans on some plastic items 3:59 pm on 27 June 2021​

More than 98,000 tonnes (and counting) of which 46,000 tonnes has been shipped to Malaysia and Thailand. In the case of Malaysia, the plastics are imported from New Zealand and illegally burned next to schools and homes, causing a health and environmental epidemic. Cancer and asthma cases have increased. Microplastics leach into the waterways.


  • Ohio Train derailment
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I have never, ever, seen an internet based political ‘discussion’ end with someone saying ‘that’s a good counter argument you’ve made there, in fact I have now changed my lifelong and deeply held political beliefs because of it”.

Jus’ don’t happen.

State your cases by all means guys, but please don’t flog a dead horse expecting to ‘win’ the argument, cos you ain’t gonna.

Jus’ sayin.

What you will do is nose dive into the name calling gutter and get the thread locked. Again.
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Which is exactly why the ruling class has allowed these industries (and JOBS) to be shipped overseas to places that don't care and we can't see. Rather than take the long view and do whats best for our country they have sold their souls for campaign contributions and graft. We will never again be the great arsenal of democracy or the shining city on the hill. How many critical defense resources, not to mention critical manufacturing machinery and capacity, do we depend on from foreign suppliers now?
It's the same in the UK. the working class are being sucked dry while the rulers are getting richer by huge amounts and blaming it on the 'Cost of living crisis' of which there isn't one, it's called greed. We have also sold out most of our serious manufacturing , to replaced with mostly shite.
Globalism does not cater well for the working man and/or small business and it never will.
Greed always comes before Need for the corporations and you know who....
Regardless of the narrative/benefits they feed you daily....
You know who don't give a toss about you..
Adding news links to a discussion already containing news links, in a segment of the conversation discussing the accuracy of those news links would appear reasonably legitimate.

Using ‘Cause’ if it’s on the internet it must be true’ as a rebuke for those with a slightly more ‘mainstream view’ is an interesting proposition!;)

I agree with you observing "Adding news links to a discussion already containing news links, in a segment of the conversation discussing the accuracy of those news links would appear reasonably legitimate."
It is, to a point.

A post full of links to ones favored information sources is an antiquated and abused technique. A soft attempt to reinforce ones stance or position during online "discussions".
This almost always turns into some kind of info-link pissing match instead of reading an opinion from a well read participant.
Said discussions quickly turn into some petty ripping of the other guys information source.

Assumptive comments regarding which part of the "stream" one is assumed to occupy only adds to the animosity.

Read Fast Eddies post #45.

No doubt as to "follow the money". That aspect of researching or understanding an issue is most often the final tell.
Ultimately this event/travesty will lead to "where the buck stops".... up until now everyone involved in this environmental disaster is "passing the buck"
Usually in these types of situations the motivating factor is unfortunately "Greed" by the 10% in my book...
I now believe a certain person has said he will visit this man made hell hole....then all of sudden the "federal authority" has been forced to act and help these poor people....coincidence...I think not.
I now believe a certain person has said he will visit this man made hell hole....then all of sudden the "federal authority" has been forced to act and help these poor people....coincidence...I think not.
I just heard that, too.

What an amazing coincidence that all the fat cats have reversed themselves overnight?
I just heard that, too.

What an amazing coincidence that all the fat cats have reversed themselves overnight?
Update: The head administrator of the EPA "the authority" has a far more import engagement and has he has flown to Africa for a 7 day tour for the woke climate change agenda with a few Hollywood type folks....unbelievable
Military burn pits were used as a means of waste disposal during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. While some less toxic materials were thrown into the fires, the burn pits were also used to incinerate chemicals, hazardous materials and weaponry.2/08/2022
The legislation will no longer require individual veterans to prove that exposure to these pits causes adverse health outcomes. The PACT Act will codify 23 respiratory illnesses and cancers as connected to burn pit exposure, and automatically recognize those who served as eligible for the care.

All veterans will now be screened at VA medical appointments and 31 new clinics will be built across the country. Additionally, more education and training will be provided on the results of this specific type of toxic exposure.
Mike Regans presence was making many of the politico types very nervous.
His professional history is solid.
Better to ship him off to hang with the movie stars and climate change enthusiasts.

The Government has announced an $11.5 million Community Support Package to help tens of thousands of people affected by the recent floods, and as regions prepare to respond to Cyclone Gabrielle.7 days ago

New Zealand has provided
Funding and equipment. $15.79 million to the NATO Trust Fund for Ukraine which provides fuel, military rations, communications and military first aid kits to support Ukraine. $4.1 million to support commercial satellite imagery access for the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence.and has rolled out sanctions targeting those associated with Russia’s invasion.
In total the people of our country are being screwed over.
Blackrock and Vanguard own about 12% of Norfolk Southern so we don't need to wonder why the media has been ignoring the train catastrophe ...but thanks to citizen journalism and a up coming visit by a very well known man (45) they are now forced to report on it...
Blackrock and Vanguard own about 12% of Norfolk Southern so we don't need to wonder why the media has been ignoring the train catastrophe ...but thanks to citizen journalism and a up coming visit by a very well known man (45) they are now forced to report on it...
Bigger trains, cut back to staff and crews more profits and to many short cuts and less maintenance all boils down to more accidents, same thing is happening with our rail transport here in Aus, it's all about the big $$$ they are even considering 1 man crew and remote trains driven hundreds of miles away, well 1Ks of miles away, safety standards are thrown out the back door all for the mighty $$$ and unexperiance shunters and yard crew connecting these big trains all for profit for the share holders, all good till something major happens and then the blame game begins.
Our largest trains here in Aus are usually coal and ore trains from mine to Port and are all privately owned and run but so far seem to be working and the maintenance of the track net work is great very rare about derailments mostly caused by floods or at road crossings from cars or trucks not taking notice of singles.
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