Ohio Train derailment

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The Gateway Pundit is a shit source that peddles misinformation and conspiracy theories. That explains a lot of your posts. You are better served getting outside and enjoying life than complaining about it in on-line forums

Well we all know what Wankapedia is all about and the left tards that run it...it also can be edited...so are you saying this reporting by gateway is WRONG ? ...and that this reporter is still faces court action ?
If not gateway reporting is accurate as all ways...
Seems New York Times reports conspiracy as well 🙃


  • Ohio Train derailment
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The Gateway Pundit is a shit source that peddles misinformation and conspiracy theories. That explains a lot of your posts. You are better served getting outside and enjoying life than complaining about it in on-line forums

You would be better served crawling back under the rock you came from....outside of course.🙃
If not gateway reporting is accurate as all ways...
If we cannot believe Wikipedia’s damning assessment of The Gateway Pundit as a fake news site, are we also to disregard the following?

the Poynter Institute.

and NewsGuard

and Reuters

and Harvard University

and - well, too many other sources to list really!
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If we cannot believe Wikipedia’s damning assessment of The Gateway Pundit as a fake news site, are we also to disregard the following?

the Poynter Institute.

and NewsGuard

and Reuters

and Harvard University

and - well, too many other sources to list really!
Absolutely ...they are all Tarred with the same bush..I would have thought you would have realised that. ?
Follow the money honey 🍯
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Referring to a grouping of links for support of ones viewpoint or social/political stance is a stale and easily abused technique.
Anyone who wishes to support their " I am more well informed than you" style of thinking can be found readily regardless of political affiliation.
Cause' if its on the internet it must be true.
Yet another reason I was glad to see the moderator dump all the petty and childlike political bickering in here...it has no end.

The one point of guidance, as always, and my favorite reply because in supports accuracy 99.99% of the time, when in doubt, as the Kiwi said,
Follow The Money.
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I don't have any dogs in this fight
But I find it very disconcerting when the mainstream media do not report on something that we know is happening
And deliberately try to scare you with things of lesser importance !!???
Follow the money!!! Absolutely. What happened to the track side hot box sensors? Probably not working due to cost cutting of maintenance. They are supposed to be every 8 to 10 miles.

My Masonic Lodge brother, a retired RR engineer, tells me they were "bootlegging " the cars carrying toxic materials. These were, by regulation, to be moved by special trains limited to 50 cars or less, subject to hazardous material speed limits and other regulations. Obviously, slipping them into a train carrying non hazardous commodities, is a money saving tactic, which in this case, backfired, and may result in financial death of the company.

Follow the money!!

Obviously, slipping them into a train carrying non hazardous commodities, is a money saving tactic, which in this case, backfired, and may result in financial death of the company.

Makes me wonder if warren buffet might use this opportunity to buy back his interest in NS? Not a cause by any stretch but a possible consequence. I thought we did away with the railroad robber/barons in the late 1800s?
Makes me wonder if warren buffet might use this opportunity to buy back his interest in NS? Not a cause by any stretch but a possible consequence. I thought we did away with the railroad robber/barons in the late 1800s?
Speaking of Warren Buffet .... I wonder if he was influential in the cancelation of the pipeline to move Canadian oil south. Supposedly, the cancelation was over environmental concerns, but rather than a pipeline, Buffet's Burlington Northern is moving that oil. A nice chunk of business for Buffet, but more risky for the environment.

You should follow this guy for the developments in OHIO...Citizen journalism

  • Wow
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Which is exactly why the ruling class has allowed these industries (and JOBS) to be shipped overseas to places that don't care and we can't see. Rather than take the long view and do whats best for our country they have sold their souls for campaign contributions and graft. We will never again be the great arsenal of democracy or the shining city on the hill. How many critical defense resources, not to mention critical manufacturing machinery and capacity, do we depend on from foreign suppliers now?
A massive amount of very dangerous chemicals are shipped via rail every day. At my last job we had required training videos to watch and the one that frightened me the most was on loading and unloading rail cars of hydrochloride acid. Man! That stuff is dangerous, reactive and subject to changes brought on by heat or cold. They showed some burns suffered from this stuff and it's horrible.
Referring to a grouping of links for support of ones viewpoint or social/political stance is a stale and easily abused technique.
Anyone who wishes to support their " I am more well informed than you" style of thinking can be found readily regardless of political affiliation.
Cause' if its on the internet it must be true.
Yet another reason I was glad to see the moderator dump all the petty and childlike political bickering in here...it has no end.

The one point of guidance, as always, and my favorite reply because in supports accuracy 99.99% of the time, when in doubt, as the Kiwi said,
Follow The Money.
Adding news links to a discussion already containing news links, in a segment of the conversation discussing the accuracy of those news links would appear reasonably legitimate.

Using ‘Cause’ if it’s on the internet it must be true’ as a rebuke for those with a slightly more ‘mainstream view’ is an interesting proposition!;)
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