New Norsa


Jan 15, 2008
Country flag


That is un-freaking-believable. (I hate that expression, but nothing else seemed to fit)

Wow, that is a nice custom.

Nifty Grimeca 4LS, too, eh?

Well done.
Definitely a contender for Most Improved. I'm a glass is half full kinda guy, but you started with an empty glass!
Coming from you guys high praise indeed. Many thanks

I should add that no A10's or Commandos were hurt in this build. All parts were individually sourced from orphaned bits.

That Grimeca 4LS came from unobtanium but it does work and the styling is that elegant Italian design.

Always liked the A10 style, small, nimble, nice curves. Bought my first one with my first student loan and have had them ever since. Trouble was if you tried to get horsepower from the original A10 motor it tended to explode. The Commando has 60hp compared to the 40hp from the A10. Bert Hopwood (God rest his soul) had a hand in both motors so I thought to combine the two. So far it has demonstrated to be a wonderful combination. Now for the road test :lol:
Very nice indeed, from what you started with and the finished bike you have done one mighty job now enjoy all your hard work and clock up a few miles.

swooshdave said:
Isn't that the one from a Guzzi?

Come to think of it, they sure do look similar. I'll bet Guzzi outsourced the SLS & TLS from Grimeca; they never had a 4LS on a Goose.
grandpaul said:
swooshdave said:
Isn't that the one from a Guzzi?

Come to think of it, they sure do look similar. I'll bet Guzzi outsourced the SLS & TLS from Grimeca; they never had a 4LS on a Goose.

New Norsa

New Norsa

If you look carefully you can see I didn't just flip the picture. :mrgreen:

V7 Sport, the real ones.
Isn't that a NORBSA ? You can even buy decals saying this.

Nice cycle....
The Grimeca brake was originally fitted to a Benelli Toronado cica 1970. You can still buy the same brand new 230mm hub but the brake plates are unobtanium. There are twin leading shoe brake plates available, I just wanted to use the single leading shoe because I like the finning on the plate. That it works is a bonus.

Road tested the bike yesterday and the brake is a very powerful piece - very grateful for that

Norbsa? Usually this refers to a BSA engine in a Featherbed, there are quite a few of these combinations. Stuffing the Commando engine in an A10 frame is, how shall I say this... infrequent?

but how does it run/drive- i too love A10s but find them a bit underpowered (though a joy to drive in an unhurried scenario) - curious if it hasbecome a BSA with atlas like properties ....
Very nice indeed, Norsa 1.
Just when you think you've seen most things, someone comes along with one more.
Well done. The rounded triangular oil tank looks right.
What's the balance factor for the Commando motor? How does it do solidly mounted?
Bautiful Bike!

BLOODY HELL Norsa!! What a transformation, thats a very big effort to get such a beautiful build. I cant believe I've missed it until now? Having a a 270 deg crank and you live in Ontario, am I right in suspecting its one of Geoff Collins cranks? I have one slowly being pieced together in a 920 size. I look forward to reading all about its performance, sound, vibes if any etc etc.
Dearly would love to hear it run if possible?? :mrgreen: That photo of picking up the frame is a classic with the rustic old building in the back ground. Not wanting to pester you but a few more pics on its build progress would be of great interest to all Im sure!
regards foxy
Foxy said:
Not wanting to pester you but a few more pics on its build progress would be of great interest to all Im sure!

Classic understatement.
In the "before" pic, you look like Wilson from Home Improvement. Perfect camo! Seriously, more details on this bike. Is this your first build? I dunno how it rides but it looks all business!
