Missing the politics in the "pub"

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Maybe the politics should disappear from the pub, starting to get out of hand and seems to be all about the US of A and Trump, who ever is in power was voted in whether you like it or not, but really all politians are as bad as the other and if they are bad at it we all suffer and not just in the US.
hee hee read the title of this thread...
I would love to hear more opinion on your situation across the pond
The problem is that BREXIT has paralysed the UK government for 3 years (and still counting) and we are as sick of hearing this as you are of hearing "Trump"
Yes, we have a new PM - about a week now - but it is a case of same s**t different day or more politely it is groundhog day without the comedy!
I dislike the man for reasons that extend far beyond his political policies. Whatever that means as he is barely a politician.

So, Is hillary clinton a politician? Why do you think a person needs to be a professional politician to hold political office? To be honest they seem to be the worst people because their skill set is calculate their words to win the broadest appeal for THEMSELVES, then have there pawns do their dirty work. At least trump talks his own shit personally, rather than have a henchman like a "James Carville" talk your shit for you, so you can maintain your fake demenor.

"Hate" was your word, not mine. Using it serves to discredit legitimate arguments as it connotes a certain blind irrationality.

Yes, it connotes a certain preconceived bias, and all the assumptions that bias entails. Like calling Trump a racist, over and over. Corey Booker called Joe Biden a racist. Do you really think President Obama chose a racist for his VP?? The race card is bullshit. If there was extensive systemic racism, then almost no black people would be successful in america and that is clearly NOT the case. The real problems are cultural in urban community

He didn't win the nomination based on his political experience. He won because he was louder.

NO, He won because people were tired of the standard political characters, who are a bunch of Ivy league lawyers who are all trying to be the next JFK charismatic leader...

I am allowed to object to the POTUS based on the content of his character.
If you read my previous comments here I never name called, please do not use the characterization to diminish my point.

You called him a racist. Did you cite some evidence for that, or should we take the girls on "The View"s word that Trump's a racist?

As long as we're on name calling, shall I list some of the president's greatest hits?

Yes, Trump talks a lot of shit. Personally, I don't like it. Perhaps he thinks if he doesn't respond to those who talk shit about him, then he's not disputing their claims.

Frank, I'm sure you have some wild stories from the Bronx, congrats on making it out of that shithole alive haha. ;)

I was young and fearless,... as in stupid. I always wore a straight blade in a sheath on my belt in those days. I would go into a bodega in the morning for coffee and a bagel where everyone was speaking spanish. I'm a big guy, so people didn't fuck with me. Eventually my foreman fired me on christmas eve because he asked me to take the knife off my belt and I told him "NO" politely. He came back 5 minutes later with my check and fired me... It was a blessing to get out of there. I got tired of the whores waving to me in the early morning, offering a pre-work quickie. It was a real shithole...

Thank you for making that point John and I do agree with you, the world has far bigger problems than Donald's latest tweet or what school Boris attended.

Unfortunately the big issues you mention above are not high on Trump's list of priorities, nor are they important to most Republicans in congress. Instead, the crowning achievement of the Trump administration thus far was cutting corporate tax by 15% leaving the middle class to make up the difference. Not to mention issues like climate change, income inequality or systematic racism, half the country doesnt even believe they exist.

I would love to hear more opinion on your situation across the pond. I am sick to death of hearing the name Donald Trump.

Can someone change the subject??

And Lastly, You don't know what's high on Trump's list of priorities, nor "most republicans in congress. Then you play the climate change/income inequality/systemic racism cards all at once and ask for a closure of the discussion after you've expressed your own displeasure. It doesn't work like that. You don't get to fire the last shot and call for a closure.

Ok, now we can all move on since I got the last words... right...?
Here are MY last words!

1. Never said a person needs to be a politican to hold political office.

2. Again, never called him a racist.

3. DT had no political experience up to his first day in office so no, it could not have been a determining factor in his being elected. (I understand that he may have been elected precisely for the reason he had 0 political history but that's not what I meant nor do I see it as qualifying factor for electability, merely stating a fact)

Curious what you see Republicans having accomplished thus far for the average American citizen under Trump's leadership.

Finally, if standing up for minorities, the environment and the average middle class American is playing the "climate change, systematic racism, income inequality cards" then in the immortal words of my God and savior Hillary Rodham Clinton, DEAL ME IN!!!


Personally Id like to move on in the interest of learning a bit about politics and opinion outside the USA.
The problem is that BREXIT has paralysed the UK government for 3 years (and still counting) and we are as sick of hearing this as you are of hearing "Trump"
Yes, we have a new PM - about a week now - but it is a case of same s**t different day or more politely it is groundhog day without the comedy!

Perhaps the "politics in the pub" has reached it's natural conclusion. Lest we keep driving our car off the same cliff.
Perhaps the "politics in the pub" has reached it's natural conclusion. Lest we keep driving our car off the same cliff.

Indeed. Time it was upgraded to ‘religion in the pub’...!

If this was an actual pub, there’d have been a brawl outside long ago.

Funny really innit, as we’re otherwise like minded blokes. Just goes to show how divided, and intolerant of others points of view, we can become.
Re; "So, Is hillary clinton a politician? Why do you think a person needs to be a professional politician to hold political office? To be honest they seem to be the worst people because their skill set is calculate their words to win the broadest appeal for THEMSELVES, then have there pawns do their dirty work. At least trump talks his own shit personally, rather than have a henchman like a "James Carville" talk your shit for you, so you can maintain your fake dementor."

The quote; " To be honest they seem to be the worst people because their skill set is calculate their words to win the broadest appeal for THEMSELVES, then have there pawns do their dirty work."
You could say that describes almost any politician - Even Nigel Farage!
I do most of my watching/typing on a Iphone , desktop would be too easy .... can’t get into the long posts with phone , just as well .... long and short of this thread is everyone is right and everyone is wrong .... that what it is , really we all fools for carrying it on ...
The East Coast Ducati Club forum has few rules .... no politics or religion is first one I think .... other is to respect each other in our posts .... results in a kinda serious forum focused on the bikes/rides ,with some laughs no doubt , very rare any conflict , just sayin ..
Just the maritime/east coast way , easy going until Saturday night, then young ones out drinking and fighting like else where ... maybe a bit more romanticized here and tradition dictates it , eh
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