Metalastic Swingarm Bushes

OK better late than never. finally got the Metalstic Bushings from RGM and getting ready to install. I honed the swing arm bore briefly and cleaned everything up. The bores measure 1.186 The bushes that I got from RGM after briefly cleaning them up on a fine convolute wheel is 1.189 So the bushes are 3 thou oversize. Is this too tight to get them in? I want the system to work as intended but also want to be able to get them in.
We manufactured machinery with this exact same type bushing, pressed in tens of thousands of them using an arbor press. Get the fixturing correct and send it home. Your fixture should include center piloting, AND a counter bored shoulder to drive the outer tube. Obviously, support directly under each half of the swing arm.
By design, the interference fit crushes the outer tube of the bushing. This is intentional, and holds it securely.

Metalastic Swingarm Bushes
oh sorry thought you saw it above. the bore of the swing arm measures 1.186 and the bushing is 1.189
Three thou interference is no problem.

Perhaps hiring/borrowing a skill set is in order. With no disrespect implied.
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