Kinda funny

It always happen when something is too good, something usually does go wrong, going into space is a dangerous business, my old grandmother always said, never had any problem until they started to shoot things into space, no such things as ozone holes or climate change, well she pasted away before the climate debacle but I bet she would have.
And now carbon tax, how the f#*k are they going to stop cows sh#tting to stop methane gas, stop pumping our sh#t into the sea and put it too use on farm lands instead of man made chemical fertilisers
And remember plastics were the best thing ever invented, now we know that was a big mistake of mankind but we still producing it and walk along any beach you always find a old rubber thong (flip flop to others) but it's always one side you never get a matching pair and how long they been floating in the ocean before landing on our beaches.
So really scientists have a lot to answer as a lot of our problems were invented/made by them to find out 40 or more years later to be a big f#%k up for man kind.
Well I am doing my bit I live a simple life, people make a big deal that I don't have AC in my house in our hot climate, I grew up without it but people today can't live without it, can't live without our high technology things that rely on high power consumption, my house is 67 years old and has always had gas supplies connected to the house for the stove and hot water system it only works when you turn it on and now the greens want to phase gas out and replace with electricity systems and yet our power supplies are struggling for demand because every one are running their ACs, plugging in their electic cars or charging up their devices, I can't win by doing my bit and living a simple life.
Now it's overcast here today and be under 30c today, rain and a thunderstorm this afternoon, oooh no climate change is going to get me, give me a break, it's just another day in paradise down under, we just got to live with the good as well the bad.
Rant over lol.

Ash, they're from the government.
They know what is best for you and those around you.
... The system is too complex for climatologists to come to any well accepted concensus. ...
You can't even spell the word consensus and your understanding of its meaning in a scientific context appears to be equally limited.
97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it is manmade. That constitutes a scientific consensus.

The nuances can be hard to grasp, but that is science.
And how many times scientists have got it wrong I just keep checking my weather rock each day.
You can't even spell the word consensus and your understanding of its meaning in a scientific context appears to be equally limited.
97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it is manmade. That constitutes a scientific consensus.

The nuances can be hard to grasp, but that is science.

Have you read any of the comments following this article you have cited? Not saying I agree with all or any, but they deserve some consideration. The only certainty we can glean from this "consensus" is that these scientists agree that man is "influencing" climate change.

I am still looking for the answer to the question I posed way back in Post #20. What percentage of climate change is strictly due to man's activities. Nothing you have cited gives that answer. The NASA report flawed as it is, does not make the absurd claim of 100% but talks of "driving" or "forcing", ambiguous terms leaving it up to the reader to put a number on it. You have put the 100% number on it yourself. This number is not only absurd, but it is ludicrous as it says there is zero % contribution from any natural causes such as volcanos or marsh gases. Your tending of such a claim lacking even common sense, puts you at a severe disadvantage in any further discussion.

Obviously, you are strongly motivated by this subject and are keen to find "proof" to validate your viewpoint. That is acceptable, but please limit your "proofs" to only relevant and rigorously scientific peer reviewed articles, and more specifically that address the issue that set you off in the first place.

I have never denied that the climate is changing .... in fact, I have asserted that it has been changing for millions of years .... why should it stop changing now?

What I question, and no climate change proponent can answer is ..... how much of the change, i.e. what percentage, is due to man's activity?

Our much loved I C E s have much to answer for,as does the entire industrial revolution. Uncountable benefits and uncontrollable polution.

I wonder if this phenomena has a influence on sea temperature. "predictions :)"​

Submarine Volcanoes - Volcano World - Oregon State University

If an estimate of 4,000 volcanoes per million square kilometers on the floor of the Pacific Ocean is extrapolated for all the oceans than there are more than a million submarine (underwater) volcanoes. Perhaps as many as 75,000 of these volcanoes rise over half a mile (1 kilometer) above the ocean floor. › su...



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You can't even spell the word consensus and your understanding of its meaning in a scientific context appears to be equally limited.
97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it is manmade. That constitutes a scientific consensus.

The nuances can be hard to grasp, but that is science.

Nothing like the stance of smug authority, a bit of petty spelling correction and pasting yet another link from that source of all sources, the internet(!) to solidify ones expertise on any given this thread for instance.
I for one had no idea there were so many qualified climatologists and geothermal scientists all sitting at the same bar swilling beer!
97% of scientists agree!!
Sounds like a late night TV info ad my 97 year old mother in law buys into.
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You can't even spell the word consensus and your understanding of its meaning in a scientific context appears to be equally limited.
97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it is manmade. That constitutes a scientific consensus.

The nuances can be hard to grasp, but that is science.
Don’t waste your time Big Hopper - there is no room for ‘mainstream’ thinking on this site. ‘The Pub’ is now, almost exclusively, a domaine for ‘alternate thinkers’ where you will be intellectually challenged (ok, maybe just ridiculed) for your views. What you need to remember is:

1. The worlds scientists (-0.3%) are just wrong……. on everything!
2. All governments are innept and corrupt!
3. All mainstream media is compromised - bought and paid for by …………. someone?
4. Global warming is a phallacy (or at least as described by 97% of the worlds scientists)!
5. Shwab, Gates, Trudeau etc, etc ……..and sadly ‘our’ Greta, are the devil incarnate - do not send them a Christmas card!
6. All ‘real information’ is surpressed - “it’ll never make the mainstream media you know
7. Do not use google, wiki, twitter, insta, fact checks………. anything Microsoft……… anything Apple…..TV news (unless it’s brother Tucker), or anything internet or TV related! Get your news from……..…….

Learn these obvious truths or find another pub………… Simplz!!🤣
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Don’t waste your time Big Hopper - there is no room for ‘mainstream’ thinking on this site. ‘The Pub’ is now, almost exclusively, a domaine for ‘alternate thinkers’ where you will be intellectually challenged (ok, maybe just ridiculed) for your views. What you need to remember is:

1. The worlds scientists (-0.3%) are just wrong……. on everything!
2. All governments are innept and corrupt!
3. All mainstream media is compromised - bought and paid for by …………. someone?
4. Global warming is a phallacy (or at least as described by 97% of the worlds scientists)!
5. Shwab, Gates, Trudeau etc, etc ……..and sadly ‘our’ Greta, are the devil incarnate - do not send them a Christmas card!
6. All ‘real information’ is surpressed - “it’ll never make the mainstream media you know
7. Do not use google, wiki, twitter, insta, fact checks………. anything Microsoft……… anything Apple…..TV news (unless it’s brother Tucker), or anything internet or TV related! Get your news from……..…….

Learn these obvious truths or find another pub………… Simplz!!🤣
1. Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The 97% figure is completely fabricated. I won't bother to post links, there are plenty out there to explain why.
2. It's a matter of degree. It's human nature. In a nutshell, yes, all are corrupt and inept to some degree, some more than others.
3. All mainstream media are literally bought and paid for by someone. That's its inherent nature. It's not there to inform. It's a business. If you don't watch it, your uninformed. If you do watch it you're misinformed. (- Mark Twain?)
4. I've never heard of global warming (which doesn't exist) to be of a phallic nature. Sounds misogynist to me. NB: get with the program, it's "climate change" now so they can be right even when they're obviously wrong.
5. Schwab, Gates and Trudeau all have their own agendas which for the most part align, and they're not for humanity's benefit. if you believe otherwise, you're hopelessly naive. It's a big club and you're not in it. (- George Carlin)
6. See 3.
7. Microsoft sucks in uncountable ways. Google is the least neutral search engine there is and is paid (see 3) to deliver results for the piper who pays them.
8. Wrong
9. Wrong
10. Wrong, LOL.

I do know one thing, no one is going to change the others opinion on such subjects. No matter where in the world you ride.

Kinda' like trying to push water uphill.

One item I do note before bailing on this topic:
It seems a bit ironic and more than a little hypocritical that there are many participants in these discussions who are very enthusiastic about expounding on their opinions, while denouncing/judging the views of others.
I get it, its a pub, a bar.

But I also take note of how often many of these same participants, some for years, some for many years, while accruing hundreds of posts if not more, have yet to contribute a cent to the support the soapbox, (aka this website) that they speak so profoundly from.
That in itself speaks volumes.
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UK Green Tax On Polluting Factory Imports Planned

The UK government will announce a raft of environmentally-friendly initiatives on Thursday, including a proposed green tax for imports of cheap products made in polluting factories.

The “carbon border tax” scheme is designed to avoid the UK being undercut by countries with less strict climate policies. It will likely affect iron, steel, cement, and fertilizers products.

Other measures to help Britain hit its target include grants encouraging households to become more energy-efficient by installing insulation heating controls; 80% of that funding will be given to medium-income because they are “able to pay.”🤮


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UK Green Tax On Polluting Factory Imports Planned

The UK government will announce a raft of environmentally-friendly initiatives on Thursday, including a proposed green tax for imports of cheap products made in polluting factories.

The “carbon border tax” scheme is designed to avoid the UK being undercut by countries with less strict climate policies. It will likely affect iron, steel, cement, and fertilizers products.

Other measures to help Britain hit its target include grants encouraging households to become more energy-efficient by installing insulation heating controls; 80% of that funding will be given to medium-income because they are “able to pay.”🤮
The cost of which will simply be passed on to the consumer, good thinking...🙃
Kiwishane you seen to know more what's happening over in the UK and other places, maybe to much internet, Google or where ever you get your info from but what about your own back yard and the pollution that is being produce, just think about it, NZ population of say 3 million people and what's that 50 million sheep, not sure how many really but there are a lot that's for sure, add up all thought sheep + methane gas produced by those sheep I say your air is suffering as well.
In Australia the greens have to much say for the low numbers the have in power but they want changes to happen now, close all our coal power stations down but be real we haven't got enough solar, wind or anything else to replace our old coal burning power stations down, where do we get the power to run our homes, EL cars our ACs or anything that relies on electricity we just don't have the resource or money to replace what we got.
Maybe go back to candles and open fires to see and cook, wait a minute that would involve cutting trees down, it's not that simple and doing now 8s just not that easy, so yes close all our coal producing power stations down and wait for all the lights to go out and see who crys😢 the loudest.
Some have suggested going nuclear power but I watch a program just recently on I think it was in the UK they are build a new nuclear power station and the cost far out where the f#*k would we get the money to build that, it's bad enough going down the nuclear submarine road in cost, who's going to pay for it in the long run, but I do know who is going to make the money from it all, the US of A and the UK and there be a big hole to fill in money wise, maybe when the submarines aren't being used we could connect them to the power grid to generate our power.
They are saying it's going to cost us $300 billion to build but by the time the first one gets built I can bet you that price will have trippled, what fools do they think we are, nothing ever cost what they tell us.
I am a simple thinking man and maybe we should start thinking for ourselves instead of others for once and do what's best for our own back yard and our small population, we are a rich nation but really we not spending the money in what is needed to he done and we can't please all. Rant over again, got to get out of this pub as buying a beer over the bar has just gone up again.
The Chinese were in the frame for building our new nuclear power stations..... Not too sure how that's going now, though??
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The Chinese were in the frame for building our new nuclear power stations..... Not too sure how that's going now, though??
The CCP wanted to put in a fish processing plant and a nuclear reactor off the east side of Grand Bahama Island. The Bahamian Govt. got a good look into how the Chinese process the oceans offerings...or should I say ravage or violate. No quotas, no species restrictions.
They proposed doing this without utilizing or employing any Bahamian citizenry. Instead, they were going to bring in Chinese prison labor to handle the work. Temporary tent camps were to be utilized. They did not seem worried about considering the hurricane season./
China offered a LOT of money but after an in depth analysis and some consulting with the US the Bahamian Govt. told them to get stuffed.
Re: Post #118

Good to know there are still some in govt that cannot be bought.

This map was taken in 2013
Some of these poor island nations took $$ from China to reestablish Port wharves due to cyclone damage etc which in turn has given them a foothold in the pacific with their factory processing ships and seems some American officials were asleep at the wheel around this time....the Pacific Forum seems to be mainly concerned in regards to climate change than the rape and pillaging of these important resources.
One NZ official has been beating the drum about this and has made several trips over the years to Washington to get them to defend and protect their soil and sovereignty of the pacific people.
We have seen far less numbers of migrating yellow fin etc over the years making down here as a consequence


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