It wasn't Lucas fault, it was the rats!!

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Dec 29, 2010
I was in the middle of rewiring my 74 Norton when I came across something pretty funny. I'm the second owner of the bike and have enjoyed it for 14 years now. When winter came, like all winters, I spend my time in the garage doing either upgrade or repairs. So when this winter came it was time to face the Prince and do some much needed upgrades to the electrical, as well as to create my own wiring harness to get rid of all the unused Interpol circuits that are not used. My plan was to use marine wire and to use color heat shrink to follow the original color codes of the wires. So , I had a small question of in what was the best way to run what wire where? and being tired of looking at the wiring diagram decided to go straight to the source. Having the original harness, I decided to remove the original tape , and BEHOLD!, RATS!!, well actually mice . Mice had chewed the insulation from several wires and the one they decided was the tastiest was my brown/blue. Now the thing is there is no doubt in my mind that this happened at the Factory!? There was no marking on the out side of the tape and the tape when it is placed on the harness from the factory is done in a very specific way, like a field dressing where the tape over laps where it branches off to other leads. Also having two rabbits as pets I'm very confident determining that these where mouse bites and not fraying of any kind . Two small gouges on either side and a tiny sliver in the center. Thinking back at all the times my bike just did weird unexplained electrical phenomenon and I raised my fist in the air cursing Joseph Lucas name it was the rats at the factory I should of been cursing!! Could it be that where all wrong about Lucas , :twisted: "Laughing now and its hard to type".

But the lesson here I guess is if your running the original harness , whats under all that tape?
Now that's unique factory sabotage tale! There is almost a shoe box full of dead end loops and go no where extra ground runs in loom.

I've pack rack, mice and boring to plugging insects problem in Ozarks. Pack rats open packages of shinny washer or lift small shiny sockets to trade for acorns and stems. They they piss on stuff to corrode. Can't leave a car/truck outside for long with hood all the way down or rats make nest and eat way into car interior. My wonder van got trashed inside when I left engine cover open one winter 10 yr ago.
Its a project to recover some day after my motorcycles caught up on.

I can not store anything long w/o metal container, plastic not much use after a year. I've got so impressive fast draw shots on the fly done to nail rats yet miss stuff hanging or leaking roof thank you. 45 cal rat shoot. But must leave poison in drawers and tool box or else.
OH my yes I've studied in fascination the ingenious obstacle courses clever squirrels figure out. But I'm a over tasked simpleton so this is more my design/desire.

Squirrels may just be tree hugging rats but they don't mess with my stuff like rats.
It wasn't Lucas fault, it was the rats!!
How do we know the Rats weren't hired by Lucas as a cover up. I'm sure there's a conspiracy there somewhere.
It wasn't Lucas fault, it was the rats!!
They were trying to get to that mystical smoke that makes electrics work. Hey, it was the 60's /70's, they were trying anything they could.
My 1911 would do a very large rat... but make a mess. The Ruger .22 is more appropriate.

A cold Winter's night... the Norton forum, my pipe, a glass of Merlot, and contemplating using a .45 ACP on nasty wire-chewing critters. Life is good.
They were trying to get to that mystical smoke that makes electrics work. Hey, it was the 60's /70's, they were trying anything they could.

Hm this scenario appeals to me and makes more sense that strapped Norton paying extra for anything, even sabotage. Still shaking my head on mice teeth marks and exposed copper in bound up loom. Lucked out it didn't short out and smoke up. But still, what a mystery misery to mar nice running no fault of your own.

Firearm power outside is one thing and I get my share of vermin blood shed, like amradillo that digs holes with a stone on top mower hits and takes out stuff. Its server winter for us so it wonders into shed and shuffles through parts and tools and under mining shed floor, so took it out with .22 Mark II bull barrel Ruger when I heard it while putting Hylomar on barrels last month. Pitiful slow death as I couldn't get a head shot. Then again I knife my road kill or others I come upon still squirming, like a pet dog half crushed looking for help in its eyes.

Durring the years I spent diddling my 1st Combat, now Peel, pack rats would wonder in and walk right up within 3 ft and just stare at me calms as can be.
Very intelligent very well groomed critter, exactly like the cartoon Stewart Little

It wasn't Lucas fault, it was the rats!!

Let and let live I say, Until ya mess with my motor craft!!!!!!
I was in shed enough to get to know the paths of these guys and where they would poke a head out at me while in squat Commando worship posture. I then loaded up 1911 officer model with .45 rat shot, even concealing it, just in case they were as smart as they seemed. Sure enough even though my movements were the same as fishing for tools or fasteners, but pistol in hand, they barely flashed a peek and jerked back. Damn. But I was pissed and heard rat on rafter knowing where it'd stick its little head out, let reflexes take over and blew half its head off from 10 ft away and up. Did not injure roof or wires or parts stored right next to it. Couple more I peeked up in time to catch on rafters with .5 sec time to line up and nail em. But its risky way so use poison now inside cabinets and tool chests but its gone in a season so new crew moves in.

Hehe a bat hangs out over my head in summers. Can go right up to it for eye to eye but we leave each other alone. Though I do have to put stuff to prevent them nesting above where a cycle is hanging or stored.
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