Good ride


Jul 11, 2010
Country flag
Have had a mate staying with me for a few days for his docs app one out at Samford but instead of hanging around for a 1 hr I rode up to Mt Glorious which is only about 20 minutes up the range from Samford, so great tight twisty corners and steep climbs and up top a nice friendly biker cafe, for a early Tuesday morning there was about 20 bikes or more at the cafe, older retired bikers enjoying a fresh morning ride I didn't stop and went further past the cafe for a pee stop then head back down the range towards Samford to pick up my mate, then riding back up to the city to drop him off to catch his long distant train at 11am and then back home all before 11 am great warmish cool winter morning ride.
This morning listening to the radio a single bike accident up Mt Glorious a bike has hit a guide rail just down the road where I was yesterday, some of these tight corners seem to just jump out at you if you don't know the range roads.
Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious beside each other is a vey popular bike road close to Brisbane but if you don't know the road can be very dangerous for bikes and riders with big drop offs lots of bike crashes on the weekends as its so popular but the police hit it pretty hard but a lot quieter mid weeks with less bikes and cars cruising.
On the other side of Mt Glorious it drops down the range but the roads are great but still some tight twisties and long straights to the next corners heading toward Summerset Dam one of our big water catchments for Brisbane and a great bike riding area gets very busy on the weekends with lots of bike but the fun police are always out and about.
I try to avoid the area on the weekends and seems a lot of older bikers who are no longer working or having the day off is starting to get popular during the week, can do over 300km in a round trip a great day out and a few small townships where good food can be had, but can get trapped in some high speed runs even up in the twisties and not all roads can be covered by the fun police, but the 300km is the short ride and can go further towards the Sunshine coast and more tight range roads and have done many 500km day rides with the mates, be
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fore splitting up to go our own way home, life in the SE Queensland for us bikers is great with some great rides with the Great Divided Range that travels all the way up the east coast of Australia and so close to the coast and some great views to be had.
Need to spend time taking pics but then too busy riding and enjoying some great days out, Esk and Kin Kin is 2 great places for a Sunday brekkie as well the cafe up top of Mt Glorious but it gets very crowed on the weekends with lots of bikes parked both sides of the one road in and out, its on the very top of the range.
The first pic is my bike on the side of the road on Bald Knob road up in the Sunshine coast hinterland and a few of my mates bikes stopping for our Sunday Brekkie at Esk, this was a end of year ride last years was about 25 bikes all up, normally only about 10 bikes on our normal Sunday ride.
Most of my mates I have been riding together with them for 50 years now and we all grew up in the Sandgate area but a lot have moved on but there are still a lot who still live in the area myself included.

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Well another ride to drop my mate off for his doc app so another run up Mt Glorious but at the top stopped at the lookout over looking Wivenhoe dam and surrounding ranges, the road starts to drop down from the look out and some tight twistiey roads to be had heading to Wivenhoe dam or Summerset dam which runs into Wivenhoe dam, these 2 dams are our major water supply for my city of Brisbane, pics of the map of the area and the Wivenhoe lake in the distant and surrounding range's on the map road 31 take you over Mt Glorious and around both dams, some great roads and a old mate has a farm out from Toogoolwah and my mother side of the family come from Moore.
Well another great ride over Mt Glorious yesterday and this time went down the other side of the range where the big tight hair pin corners and steep decent was great now my new rear tyre is well and truely boken in, but coming back towards where the cafe is up the top the speed limit drops to 50 kmph and was a bit over and got done by a MC cop with radar and a through going over with my details and bike ownership etc, so now looking at a big fine in the mail and lost of points, this is the first ticket in many years and I was so angry with myself, the worst part I was slowing down and I only just come into the 50 km zone, but there is no excuse the law is the law.
Our state Gov is broke and they have just doubled all speeding fines and new traffic infringement fines, its big money earner for them in the guise of road safety.
Nice looking country , much more open than where we live on east coast Canada ,you got beautiful place to ride Ash , enjoy every minute !
Craig we have some of the best roads around in S E Queensland, Americans make a big thing about the Dragon slayer but we have many mountain range roads that would put that road to shame in my neck of woods, I been riding these roads for on 50 years now and some were just dirt tracks when I first rode them, the road up to Mt Glorious from the bottom to the top was dirt we use to ride our dirt bikes up there and back in the 80s a good mate and myself use to grow our pot up there on the east side of the range, hot, humid and very hard to find, was well hidden, we weren't greedy just 5 plants which grew between 16' to 18' with knock out heads lol, my mates use to call it Pricey's poison it was so good lol.
These days it very popular for the bike riders and as I found out yesterday the cops are hitting it hard even during the week these days, but there are still plenty of out of the way and challenging roads around that are out of the way of the short ride bikers and cops, but its a high crash area as well for motorcycles.
The Great Divided Range runs up the whole east coast of Australia and is close to the coast line and less than 20 minutes from my front door I can be in the thick of it.

Iā€™m 30 minutes north from coast & 40 minutes south to other side of NS and the Atlantic , lots of coastal roads here too šŸ˜‰