Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..

He's crossing lines. Hawks of both left and right are peeved.

More accurately, it was not so much Trump that was "locked and loaded" as it was the deep state hold over hawks of departments of Defense, State, etcetera. But . . . you won't get that point of view from BBC, CNBC, ABC. or the rest of the establishment media.
Would these holdover hawks be from Obama’s 8 years or further back to the younger Texan fellow who ‘s name is gone to me at this moment his father was a war hero and President as well ?
Both but mainly Obama/Clinton people - think Libya & Syria as well as Afghanistan & Iraq.

Mainstream Democrats are not anti-war; they (along with Republicans) are imperialists who follow money and power. Old school anti war isolationist Republicans are almost extinct, pushed off into anti war corners of libertarian conservatism

Here’s a link to a worthwhile lefty anti war site

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Trump buys and sells super yacht;

The Trump Princess was built in 1980 for Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi. Who named her after his daughter Nabila Kashoggi. At that time Nabila was the largest yacht in the world. After Khashoggi ran into financial problems, he sold the yacht in 1988 to the Sultan of Brunei. Who in turn sold it to US Presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump bought the yacht for USD 29 million. Trump renamed the yacht the Trump Princess. Trump sold the yacht to Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal.

During its days as Nabila, the yacht was featured in the James Bond movie Never Say Never Again.
Trump has got one very big weapon in his favour. Imposing tariffs on Chinese goods will be very popular with workers who look like losing their jobs due to the neoliberal globalised free market. However neoliberalism is irreversible. It is impossible to put the genie back into the bottle. All we can do is moderate it's behaviour.
Only since becoming president it would have become quite difficult to protect/ defend the craft needing a whole aircraft carrier and navy fleet a sure sign of a waste of resources. . . . . but Hey! he's Donald Trump, he can do anything!

I wish you would stop your nonsense posting about Trump. Not because Trump is any better or worse than any other previous president, but because you interpret every thing that happens as some ground breaking flaw. There are many things that the Obama administration did that got no criticism, but when Trump's administration did them the media and their brainwashed sheep attacked him. There seems to be a whole cult of people who think attacking anything that is "Trump related" signals their peers to how virtuous they are. You're like the McCarthy era "red scare" believers accusing others of communist sympathy, when in fact you are signaling your peers that you were going along with the predominant thought police without questioning them in order to show who's side you are on.

Obama sucked as a president and as a human being... but that's not a valid criticism of him. That's just an opinion based on someone's feelings. There's no "why" to that statement and that's exactly why it's just nonsense. If anyone wants to criticize Trump or Obama, or anyone for that matter, the criticism should start out with, "He's WRONG because,..." not "He's an ASSHOLE because,..."

Ultimately, how you feel about Trump, Obama, or any political leader isn't relevant as an argument for or against them. The only valid argument is if the person's policy, or action is right or wrong and then the explanation should follow why it's right or wrong. If their policy has flaws which you list, or bad results that occur due to their policy, that is also valid criticism.

Name calling has replaced actual discussion of policy and effect. It's so much easier to make a terse statement and call someone a name than it is to argue something intelligent.

The other day Corey Booker called Joe Biden a racist. Seriously, the guy who was vice president for Obama for 8 years is a racist... This is how insane the name calling has become.
Trying to fiqure out weight of the cross some folks carry around with them, from always being right and putting other’s opinions down, must be very heavy ..... .... even though it a rainy day here in Nova Scotia hope everyone has a great Canada Day .... same wishes extended to those south of me on July 4 ..... big picture looks like we all brothers,eh
All good points Frank, and I am with you on the sentiment - criticise the policy/action/repercussions not the person for being who he is. Unfortunately, President Trump, through his uncensored tweets invites others to follow suit and name call. Is he unconventional - absolutely - but he has followed through on many of his promises and many of the things he says, although unpopular and probably (definitely) not PC but they do strike a chord with many working American people.
They say the drone was over international waters but who do you believe, as we will never know the truth, its all top secret, hush hush say no more.

All good points Frank, and I am with you on the sentiment - criticise the policy/action/repercussions not the person for being who he is. Unfortunately, President Trump, through his uncensored tweets invites others to follow suit and name call. Is he unconventional - absolutely - but he has followed through on many of his promises and many of the things he says, although unpopular and probably (definitely) not PC but they do strike a chord with many working American people.

Re; “Unfortunately, President Trump, through his uncensored tweets invites others to follow suit and name call.”

As I didn’t start any tweets on the internet before him, this is just the pot calling the kettle back!!
Frank does have a point though, I am no fan of DJT - because of his actions not his personality/looks/idiocy.
I think he is an ass because he has done nothing to address the gun laws in the US despite the largest number of mass shootings on record in the first half of the year - much better than - he is an ass because his wig fell off, he bought a dust bowl in Arizona....we’ll just because...he is an ass! That is not much better than I hear daily in school - so’s your mum, or -you’re a waste man...
Doesn’t mean we can’t have a bit of fun occasionally

Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..

Available on Amazon.... ordered you and a frank one each ;)
Re; “The other day Corey Booker called Joe Biden a racist. Seriously, the guy who was vice president for Obama for 8 years is a racist... This is how insane the name calling has become.”

A while ago whilst campaigning for the American president, I heard on an American TV program that was transmitted over here a member in the audience asking Joe Biden if Barack Obama was a Muslim ! - (Not that I have anything against Muslims) - so form your own opinion on just how well the electorate is informed
so form your own opinion on just how well the electorate is informed
100% agree -just look at the mess we are in!
Not to mention the mess in HK, Spain, most of South America....
Unfortunately, your general member of the public (regular Joe) is not the sharpest tool in the box - yes I will get pilloried for that but look at the evidence....
When you are in a leadership role, the decisions you make are often irrelevant. The main thing is that you actually make a decision and change course. It does not matter where you go. To me, Trump appears populist and aimless - a loose cannon. Some guys race motorcycles with that modus operandi. They just get out there and go without much thought. All you can hope is that when they go down, they don't take too many with them.