Digital Currency

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This is the only list ive seen to date that has been reported by some media outlets
What I find amusing is how the media call it dark money when basically of it was hard earned U.S tax payers money to begin with sent away and approved as off shore aid funds...I suppose it was (edit) CONverted into crypto and slipped back into the pockets of many in the dark of night.:)
I've seen headlines of how some of these recievers of (misappropriated funds) have all of a sudden found their moral compass AFTER the shit has hit the fan...


  • Digital Currency
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This is the only list ive seen to date that has been reported by some media outlets
What I find amusing is how the media call it dark money when basically of it was hard earned U.S tax payers money to begin with sent away and approved as off shore aid funds...I suppose it was transferred into crypto and slipped back into the pockets of many in the dark of night.:)
I've seen headlines of how some of these recievers of (misappropriated funds) have all of a sudden found their moral compass AFTER the shit has hit the fan...
I would speculate that another motivating factor for the rarely seen moral stance would be that the once impossible to trace currency is now traceable...thus he made donations under false names and phony shell companies...all in an attempt to shape and conform future legislation favoring his agendas.
The majority of donation recipients never expected the MSM to bring the story to the forefront.
I would speculate that another motivating factor for the rarely seen moral stance would be that the once impossible to trace currency is now traceable...thus he made donations under false names and phony shell companies...all in an attempt to shape and conform future legislation favoring his agendas.
The majority of donation recipients never expected the MSM to bring the story to the forefront.
Some people call our current times as "the great reset"
and others call it "THE GREAT AWAKENING " ...In this case the latter applies and may act as a alarm clock
Bitcoin is traceable.Blockchain transactions are recorded on a public, distributed ledger.
This makes all transactions open to the public - and any "interested government agency"....BUT these are the ways to try and stay anonymous that clearly failed
  1. Hide IP addresses use TOR or other methods.
  2. Use anonymous email addresses.
  3. For each transaction create a new Bitcoin address wallet.
  4. Never use your real private information details.
  5. With bitcoins use a mixer service.
Surely they wouldn't have tryed to do that :)
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Oh, no, I would NEVER donate to just one party, I'm "bipartisan" and "american"...

(small "a" american used on purpose)
Patriots like yourself & others proudly use a capital "A"

Traitors or alike purposely tend to use the small "a"
Kind of feel like the crypto investors got what they deserved. The first rule of investing is, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. People who did no homework piled in thinking they were smart enough to get in before everyone else did. Kind of feel the same about Madoff's victims. He suckered them with the oldest trick in the book - the "rope line". "I'm only going to let a few special people invest with me."
Kind of feel like the crypto investors got what they deserved. The first rule of investing is, if it sounds too good to be true, it is. People who did no homework piled in thinking they were smart enough to get in before everyone else did. Kind of feel the same about Madoff's victims. He suckered them with the oldest trick in the book - the "rope line". "I'm only going to let a few special people invest with me."
The key to any investment regardless currency type used is do your DUE payers in this case don't have that luxury
The key to any investment regardless currency type used is do your DUE payers in this case don't have that luxury

That's a very general statement. Some people, who are universally admired for their intelligence, like a certain recent president, essentially don't pay any taxes. Even the rest of us, if we do our due diligence, can reduce our tax burden (in the US) through IRA's, etc. In the alternative (in the US) you can also move to a no income tax state like Florida.
The point about paying taxes or not paying taxes is whether or not you do it legally. The tax code is written by Congress to feather their own nests and those of their supporters. If you are in business you can write all sorts of things off which you cannot do it you simply work for a salary or wage. It isn't illegal. Don't confuse legal and illegal with right and wrong.
Patriots like yourself & others proudly use a capital "A"

Traitors or alike purposely tend to use the small "a"
Hey Shane,
As a Kiwi, what qualifies you to make statements like this? You seem to have a lot of opinions about how the U.S and it's citizens should or shouldn't be doing things.
Not trying to be rude, just curious. Totally cool if you're just a fan of the USA.
To respond to GP: I learned that early in life when I got hauled into court in the right but came out in the wrong. I was right but illegal they were wrong but legal.
The law is not involved with justice. At all. Well, a attorney will tell you it is about justice IN THE COURTROOM.
To respond to GP: I learned that early in life when I got hauled into court in the right but came out in the wrong. I was right but illegal they were wrong but legal.
The law is not involved with justice. At all. Well, a attorney will tell you it is about justice IN THE COURTROOM.
Thankfully, I have been fortunate to have won both cases before a judge that I represented myself in. There are still SOME judges that are not political and don't have any agenda besides the ethically correct "legal" outcome.
That's a

The point about paying taxes or not paying taxes is whether or not you do it legally. The tax code is written by Congress to feather their own nests and those of their supporters. If you are in business you can write all sorts of things off which you cannot do it you simply work for a salary or wage. It isn't illegal. Don't confuse legal and illegal with right and wrong.

The point about paying taxes or not paying taxes is whether or not you do it legally. The tax code is written by Congress to feather their own nests and those of their supporters. If you are in business you can write all sorts of things off which you cannot do it you simply work for a salary or wage. It isn't illegal. Don't confuse legal and illegal with right and wrong.

The point about paying taxes or not paying taxes is whether or not you do it legally. The tax code is written by Congress to feather their own nests and those of their supporters. If you are in business you can write all sorts of things off which you cannot do it you simply work for a salary or wage. It isn't illegal. Don't confuse legal and illegal with right and wrong.

Don't necessarily disagree, but if the people who elected politicians paid attention to what they were doing, instead of being too lazy and self absorbed, they wouldn't elect politicians who ripped them off. It's a form of due diligence.
Thankfully, I have been fortunate to have won both cases before a judge that I represented myself in. There are still SOME judges that are not political and don't have any agenda besides the ethically correct "legal" outcome.
I have a split. I got dumped on when I was sporting long hair and riding a motorcycle with an impeach Nixon sticker on it.
The Judge despised me and everything I represented. I was a college kid working two jobs and that carried no influence with that mean old SOB.

Years later with a family and shorter hair still riding a motorcycle I went to court in a dispute with the Dept. of Revenue over motorcycle licensing issues. I was right but legally wrong. The judge ruled against my stance, then suspended any fees or penalties and wrote a cover letter for me, signed it and had the local Police Chief sign it as well.
I needed it too, saved me a few hundred bucks in traffic citations.
There is nothing more satisfying than having a crooked goverment identity having to write you out a big fat cheque.
To receive rightful justice you either need to be very tenacious or have a good prosecution budget that they know about ...if the ball happens to be in that side of the court.
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Hey Shane,
As a Kiwi, what qualifies you to make statements like this? You seem to have a lot of opinions about how the U.S and it's citizens should or shouldn't be doing things.
Not trying to be rude, just curious. Totally cool if you're just a fan of the USA.

Your statement comes across as smug to say the least.

If its "totally cool if you are just a fan of the USA" then why question?

I would note a great many of the observations I read in here stem from clear efforts regarding research and accurate information gathering by its members.
WGAS what country the participant is from.

Yours is the first challenge I have read on this forum challenging the origin of ones country requiring qualification of commentary.
It is an international forum.

The Kiwi's insight into the workings of US govt. shows an informed knowledge. More so than a lot of US citizens demonstrate, and no I have never met the man nor do I work for him.
I would like to fly fish the beautiful streams and rivers of New Zealand though.
'but if the people who elected politicians paid attention to what they were doing, instead of being too lazy and self absorbed, they wouldn't elect politicians who ripped them off.'

Seems to be the default position for most of them these days, sadly..

(Politicians, that is)
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