Covid now

Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
Well I finally got Covid. Had the worst headache in my life for two days. For those that have had it, how long does it last? Other than taking Tylenol what is best thing. I know I googled it as well, mainly curious how long it lasts?

Hard to say as a lot will depend on your health level, immune status (vax'd or not) and your genetics and what variant you have.
Can be 5-7 days or 2 weeks or 2 years (long covid).

Are you taking one of the antivirals? I think some states give this out rapidly to catch the early stages of infection where most effective.
Of course, consult your doctor rather than follow internet guidance.
Take Vitamin D3 5000 IU daily. Once you are over it you should have an immunity, but as insurance against getting again, apply 2 drops of Lugol's Iodine 5% solution to the skin and rub it in.

Those in your house hold can be protected against getting yours by using Lugol's as above.

Lugol's is a water based solution of iodine. The stuff you buy at the local CVS or Walgrens is alcohol based ..... not the same..!!

I get mine from.....<>

I place 2 drops on the inside of my forearm, and rub in with other forearm. It will turn your skin yellow. If the yellow fades in less than 1 hour, you are severely depleted in Iodine. Yellow should last 3 to 4 hours with optimum level.

It is very scientific how it works.
Iodine is anti bacterial, fungal, and viral.
95% of iodine is stored in the thyroid
The entire blood volume circulates thru the thyroid every 20 minutes
Pathogens in the blood are neutralized passing thru the thyroid.

This iodine treatment is only effective for prevention, (while the virus is circulating in the blood) once the infection takes hold, the iodine has little effect on it.

Get well soon

Hard to say Jerry as it varies from person to person.

It put me in bed for two days and floored me for a week.

High doses of vit D and C and Beechams cold and flu capsules kept me alive !

Even though I tested positive for covid, my Missus still says it was man flu…
I had crashing headache, dizziness, intense fatigue, a very faint, occasional cough. (Day 5 I spat up what looked like raspberry sauce, blood/mucus) My Cousin (a MD, vaccination had just become available for health care workers) drove me to the ER on the wayback seat of his Suburban, windows down, 35F in March 2021.
Get a steroids (Z-pac) at the ER, turned the corner... incremental progress.
11 days total. I was sustained by friends & fam bringing food to my front door. (I NEVER had a lessened appetite!)
Lived alone at the time.

Pretty sure I've had lesser strains since.
I had crashing headache, dizziness, intense fatigue, a very faint, occasional cough. (Day 5 I spat up what looked like raspberry sauce, blood/mucus) My Cousin (a MD, vaccination had just become available for health care workers) drove me to the ER on the wayback seat of his Suburban, windows down, 35F in March 2021.
Get a steroids (Z-pac) at the ER, turned the corner... incremental progress.
11 days total. I was sustained by friends & fam bringing food to my front door. (I NEVER had a lessened appetite!)
Lived alone at the time.

Pretty sure I've had lesser strains since.
Holy crap. Mine has not been that bad so far, but it’s horrible. The bad headache started 2 days ago and it has not stopped. I am super tired, starting to cough a bit. Fever down to about 100. Wife is starting to get it. I been trying to work, but it’s tough. The most annoying thing is my best friends were coming on the weekend to see the Hu and now they had to cancel:
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Antihistamines at first, then antacids for me. It gave me really bad heartburn that lasted a couple of weeks. You should also get checked out. My bloodwork indicated potential for blood clotting. Thankfully no clots were found

Think everyone will eventually get it (i was triple vaccinated and masked (for the most part 🙃)
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Hard to say Jerry as it varies from person to person.

It put me in bed for two days and floored me for a week.

High doses of vit D and C and Beechams cold and flu capsules kept me alive !

Even though I tested positive for covid, my Missus still says it was man flu…
I agree it varies extremely between people
I've had it a couple of times (tested positive)
I'd rather have COVID than a cold any day
Vit D takes about 3 days from taking the tablets before the body converts it into the chemical that protects against respiratory infections, so start it ASAP and also everyone in the household to either stop then getting infected or reducing the symptoms.
Extreme tiredness and chills the first day. Super long sleep in helped alot. No appetite for 3 days just tea, toast and Lemsip. All done in 6 days back to normal
Hoping you make a quick rerecovery. The variation in the way it affects people is very odd, when I had it (Dec 2020), I wouldnt have known it other than my sense of smell stopped working, and took a while to come back.

A shame to miss the Hu, I could imagine they would be very good live.
Zinc is important in combination with vitamins D and C or what ever your it helps with the body to absorb the nutrients (opens the cells for better absorption) for a quick recovery
It’s been pretty bad. Started taking paxlovid today. Still got high fever, extreme nasty headache and body aches. Doctor said the paxlovid is necessary in my case. Hopefully be well again in few days. Thanks for all your feedback, my norton friends,
I was taking vitamin D3 and zinc up until about a month ago. I stopped taking it for another reason, and I am sure that is why I got this.with paxlovid, can’t take anything else, but I will resume D and zinc after this for sure.
I got COVID for the first time in July, had headache, no cough , very slight sore throat and felt bad for 5 days start to finish with flu like aches and 100* temp one night. My girlfriend and I have had the vax, her symptoms were a bit milder than mine . I didn't take anything for it except Tylenol for symptoms.
I am 64 years old. I have tested positive for COVID three times and the last time I had something that felt like COVID but came back negative. Each time I had crushing fatigue for about two weeks, and a wicked cough. Food had no taste. My wife had the same symptoms for three days. I also had post COVID breathing issues. A measured return to the gym, treadmill and stationary bicycle helped iron that out. My advice do not try and over do it. Take it easy. I tried to do the he-man thing and ended up, I think, just prolonging the process.
I was taking vitamin D3 and zinc up until about a month ago. I stopped taking it for another reason, and I am sure that is why I got this.with paxlovid, can’t take anything else, but I will resume D and zinc after this for sure.
Good to hear you are following your Doctor's guidance. I always worry when I see folks recommending unproven preventatives/treatments for serious issues like COVID can be.

From NIH ( system needs certain,, vitamin D, and zinc.):

What do we know about specific dietary supplement ingredients and COVID-19?​

Research hasn’t clearly shown that any dietary supplement helps prevent COVID-19 or can decrease the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Only vaccines and medications can prevent COVID-19 and treat its symptoms.

Your immune system needs certain vitamins and minerals to work properly. These include vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. Herbal supplements, probiotics, and other dietary supplement ingredients might also affect immunity and inflammation.

Eating a nutritious variety of foods can give you enough vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for a healthy immune system. However, you might wonder whether taking certain dietary supplements can help your immune system work better or make you less likely to get sick or die of COVID-19. Scientists are looking at how some dietary supplement ingredients might affect the body’s ability to fight infections, viruses, and other diseases. The results so far do not show that any are useful for COVID-19.

This fact sheet explains what we know about the safety and effectiveness of several dietary supplement ingredients. They are listed in alphabetical order. We also include information about how these ingredients might interact with common medications.

The health professional version of this fact sheet includes more details and references to the scientific literature.


I am 64 years old. I have tested positive for COVID three times and the last time I had something that felt like COVID but came back negative. Each time I had crushing fatigue for about two weeks, and a wicked cough. Food had no taste. My wife had the same symptoms for three days. I also had post COVID breathing issues. A measured return to the gym, treadmill and stationary bicycle helped iron that out. My advice do not try and over do it. Take it easy. I tried to do the he-man thing and ended up, I think, just prolonging the process.
A negative COVID antigen test (the 15 min one that can be done at home) does not actually exclude a COVID infection, because the test may not have been done correctly (poor technique like mishandling of sample) or been done at a stage of infection where there was too low a viral count present in the sample area (mouth/nasal cavity might have lower amounts of virus at certain points in the infectious cycle). Only a positive test tells you something useful, so you can then self isolate/follow up with your doctor. A more expensive/longer turn around time PCR test is much more conclusive when negative, as is can detect extremely low viral amounts (even a single virus in the sample) and is usually taken by a healthcare professional with lots of training in how to take the sample and prep it for the assay.
A negative COVID antigen test (the 15 min one that can be done at home) does not actually exclude a COVID infection, because the test may not have been done correctly (poor technique like mishandling of sample) or been done at a stage of infection where there was too low a viral count present in the sample area (mouth/nasal cavity might have lower amounts of virus at certain points in the infectious cycle). Only a positive test tells you something useful, so you can then self isolate/follow up with your doctor. A more expensive/longer turn around time PCR test is much more conclusive when negative, as is can detect extremely low viral amounts (even a single virus in the sample) and is usually taken by a healthcare professional with lots of training in how to take the sample and prep it for the assay.
There's no COVID restrictions in the UK
There's no time off work for it as an example