Britts and the 4th of July

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Larry S

Apr 15, 2020
Country flag
Just curious, do you Britts living in the US celebrate the 4th along with us or is it more of a “middle finger “ type celebration?
I don’t think you have much choice do you? It’d be almost like not celebrating Christmas, kinda impossible to avoid!

I've spent quite a bit of time in the US, on vacation and working. One of my favourite tricks around 4th July time is to adopt my best, most stereotypical English accent and innocently ask “what is it that you actually celebrate on the 4th of July”?

The sudden realisation on their faces of having to explain the reason to a naive Englishman without being offensive is mildly amusing.

But when they answer, I adopt a false sense of shock and hurt and ask “but why would you celebrate separating from England...”?

Usually I don’t let this go on too long before cracking up and letting them realise I’m joking...

Works every time !
I've spent quite a bit of time in the US, on vacation and working. One of my favourite tricks around 4th July time is to adopt my best, most stereotypical English accent and innocently ask “what is it that you actually celebrate on the 4th of July”?
I’ll bet half of those people couldn’t tell you the correct answer either! Smh.
Our local Harley mechanic used to organize a big bash on the local quay to coincide with July 4th, sadly after a few very successful years the local council stepped and made it impossible to carry on..
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I think the most exciting 4th I had was when I smoked a joint and the wife and I walked about a mile to a lake where the fireworks were. The walk there lasted about 10 years as I remember, the fireworks were 'ooh, aah' for about 5 minutes and the walk home was another 10 years. Then I went to sleep. I didn't tell my mother.

Nothing to do with Britts though.
And they’re now open ...!
And after opening our pubs, the CV-19 is spiking. Young people are refusing to distance and wear a mask. Guess what? Pubs and bars are being ordered to shut down again. Innocent people are being victimized by Darwinian throwbacks.
And after opening our pubs, the CV-19 is spiking. Young people are refusing to distance and wear a mask. Guess what? Pubs and bars are being ordered to shut down again. Innocent people are being victimized by Darwinian throwbacks.
Not the fault of our ancestral cousins me thinks! Having lived alongside apes, large and small, never once feeling threatened or having one of them 'brick ' my vehicle or burgle my property, in my opinion, the offshoots of humanity that roam our streets and undermine our social values aren't so much throwbacks as an offshoot from the norm that, if not controlled, should be pruned.
Not the fault of our ancestral cousins me thinks! Having lived alongside apes, large and small, never once feeling threatened or having one of them 'brick ' my vehicle or burgle my property, in my opinion, the offshoots of humanity that roam our streets and undermine our social values aren't so much throwbacks as an offshoot from the norm that, if not controlled, should be pruned.
I wonder where the next Leicester is going to be? :(
In any given situation, there must always be a balance between democracy and control. There might be such a thing as too much freedom. In British history, the most important precedent was set,when the monarch had his head cut off. - What can America do about Trump ?
I do not wish to turn this thread political, but I would like to comment on the negativity that is heaped upon the current President of the United States.

Trump's negative press and antagonism stems from the fact that he is not a member of the club ...... that club whose members (regardless of D or R after their names) have their fingers in many money pies, profit from wars, and profit from Imperialism, or globalism, leaving very few to support him.

Now back to Brits and the Fourth of July.

In any given situation, there must always be a balance between democracy and control. There might be such a thing as too much freedom. In British history, the most important precedent was set,when the monarch had his head cut off. - What can America do about Trump ?
i'm sent regularly what are refered to as "funnies".... I'd place it here if
Knew how or could change the file format...
If you can access Tik Tok this funnies about Donald Trump and the Queen is worth a listen too
@justlikecoffee2020 clip 6-10
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Tik Tok is a Chinese spy tool.

You would be best served to delete it immediately.
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