Brexit or no Brexit

It’s been a tuberous time in Westminster the last couple of weeks what the t PM trying to pull the wool over everybody’s eyes by stating that the deal she came back with from the EU is the only deal. Even the attorney general got up at the dispatch box last Monday and told the House that some parts were not of the public interest! Which I found astonishing!!!!!

The question I have to ask is, if the attorney general tried to keep that from parliament, what else has he been hiding from the MPs?

On 5 December 2018 the government released, in full, the advice given by the Attorney General on the consequences of the Brexit deal already reached by the government. It took parliament to hold the government in contempt before it agreed to abide by the outcome of an earlier humble address vote. Thereto, the government refused to release the advice, stating repeatedly that it was covered by legal privilege.

The government then lost 3 votes and were held in contempt of parliament for not publishing the details, which they eventually did last Wednesday;

The result of this was incredible, resulting on PM May to abandon the vote because everybody told her it would not pass the house, then a vote of no confidence was trigged by her own party to her leadership, which she eventually won by 200 votes to 117.
It’s been another time in Westminster as PM May survived a leadership vote yesterday, whilst Boris wasted his money on a haircut in anticipation of getting voted in the leadership chair. Now PM May has gone to Brussels for some more sprouts! It was getting livery at the house of comedians yesterday, must be the pantomime season again!:)
Its a right old mess I say, being a Aussie I really just don't understand it all, but its all over the world news, bloody politics and politicians, but the people have spoken but at what cost.

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You might not understand it, but we have to TRY to understand it , they want to put a backstop on the Irish border question, and here’s the rub, Spain has agreed to, for now, along with the 28 other EU countries to allow GB to withdraw from the EU, but as soon as we do not have a vote in the EU you can bet your shirt they will be trying to reclaim Gibraltar from the UK , and then the EU will put a customs border betwixt Ireland and N. Ireland thus nullifying the reason of GBs hard won Good Friday agreement – thus sending as back to the bombs of the 1970s and the E U will not care, they wont give a flying dogshit.

The bottom line is the EU will NOT give us ANYTHING- and this came from a Frenchman who stated that on National TV a couple of months ago.
Is not Brexit, the Yellow Vests in France (now spilled over into Belgium and Holland, the disaffection with Frau Merkel, and the election of Trump in the US, manifestations of the same thing? The people are fed up with the elitist, non-elected, shadow government, all traceable to the globalist banksters and financiers.

Curiuosly, the main stream media in the US has little, if any coverage, of the events in France. The globalists do not want us to know any of this.

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Its a right old mess I say, being a Aussie I really just don't understand it all, but its all over the world news, blood politics and politicians, but the people have spoken but at what cost.

In Australia, we live in a manipulative information vacuum caused mainly by Murdoch. He decides whom gets elected to govern. So information in the media is tailored to suit. We blindly accept free trade agreements of which the contents are secret and possibly to the detriment of many unsuspecting voters. If our ABC put to air, an explanatory programme about Brexit, it might start many Australians looking at their own position in the neoliberal globalised free market economy. Trump is popular in America for very sound reasons, even though he is a dangerous idiot. At about the time of federation in Australia, political debate was mainly about protectionism and free trade. Back then it was about trade between the states of Australia. The arguments were that free trade means cheaper goods and services, so benefits the cost of living. The counter argument is that free trade costs jobs. So there is a choice, you can be out of work and unable to consume or you can have a job and pay higher prices. In any case, the whole Brexit thing is probably the cost of having Maggie Thatcher as PM There seems to be no way back from Hayek's neoliberalism.
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The French have a phrase (maybe Canadian via prog rock group Rush)

Plus ca change, plus c’est le meme chose!

Leave or remain, no-one is happy!

I voted leave = ignorant, old, uneducated, racist
I voted remain = submissive, uneducated, happy to be led by unelected Europe civil servants
I didn’t vote = uneducated, weak, submissive...

Europe says Non, Nien, Nao, Nee ......

Mad Brexiteer’s say hard or soft (not even a porn reference...ooh Matron!)

Calls for a second referendum gathering support - irony missed! What guarantee a second referendum will be implemented when the first is ignored?

No credible opposition

What a mess!
I tried without success to get access to a copy of Friedrich Hayek's 'Constitution of Liberty', through our local library. I think it is strange that it is not more readily available in Australia. It is the basis of the whole neoliberal globalism philosophy.

Acottrel -
While I applaud your interest
in Hayek, your statement that he is the basis of the whole neoliberal globalism philosophy is, to say the least, incorrect.

That policy - globalism- is an alliance of corporation and state. In that sense, it is fascist.

Globalism’s dedication to centralized power, both legal and economic, is right out of the 1930s but it adroitly eschews facism’s discredited racial and nationalistic pretexts, substituting identity group divisions instead.
I have been calling the oligarchs and uber-rich corporate moguls money nazis for years. Now we have one in the White House.
[QUOTE="texasSlick, post: 399842, member: 4732"

Curiuosly, the main stream media in the US has little, if any coverage, of the events in France. The globalists do not want us to know any of this. Slick[/QUOTE]

So much for the freedom of information!?:confused:
I suspect Brexit is more to do with Tony Blair, of open borders to gerrymander votes and 'only 13K Polish people will turn up' statement when a few 100k did. Not that I have anything against Polish people, the UK let them down badly at the end of WW2 (though ultimately Stalin was the real problem) so they deserve preferential treatment under a points system.
The majority of UK coal mines were deep, with long entry shafts. The shafts were typically vertical with elevator cages for the miners to travel in. Not a job I would ever want to do. Some of my wife's relatives in Staffordshire were miners. Almost all of them developed lung problems as they aged - many were cancer.