2020 Christmas Greeting

Nov 1, 2014
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I just want to wish all a very special blessed Christmas season. May be the birth of Christ be celebrated where ever and with whom ever you are able during this unusual year.
2020 Christmas Greeting
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Nice to get a reminder of what Christmas is actually supposed to be about.
I do miss Paul Harvey, thx for posting that link, wishing you and Everyone Happy New Year!
And now you know the rest of the story!
...with Covid only four angels in the bubble and the shepherds would have been unable to visit...the 3 Kings unable to cross county lines...
Hope this isn't seen as 'flippant'... just a 'feelgood' story that seems fitting in the spirit of this time of year:

Hi, just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy year, most of all good health!
These days people don't spend much time or thought on some personal words to their friends and family, they just copy and paste some random rubbish and send it on.
So, after all we've been through together this year I want to thank you for your friendship and wish you a happy 2018!
You are the best gymnastics group anyone could ask for.
Best wishes.
All very good sentiments.
We all risk the numbing effect of the seemingly constant stream of terrible pandemic news.
It helps to be reminded of the things that are truly important in like.
Best wishes to all.
I know you told us not to cut and paste, but:

"wish you a happy 2018!"

...think you are a few years off the mark here! :)
The only thing worse than a gym membership is a speeding ticket.
....oh on second thought if you get the ticket at least you had fun on the ride.
All you get from the gym is pain and laundry.
Yes to all above ! .... Plus a personal wish to all of you for a very Happy New Year ! .... From our humble home in Nova Scotia .... good tidings for everyone on here are always wished for ! Take care