1967 Atlas Charging System


Jul 26, 2005
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I’ve recently gotten around to digging out the old wiring harness that was removed when my Atlas was dismantled ( I bought it apart ). It’s not in the greatest shape but it is all there. There is a Lucas rectifier and a Zener Diode mounted on a double sandwiched aluminum disk that is roughly 3” in diameter. Here’s the questions
1. Do you stick with this system?
2. Where was the Zener Diode and rectifier originally located?

I purchased a new Lucas harness from RGM and it is configured for the original set up thus some amount of revision would have to occur if I used one of the current voltage regulators that are available

Thanks all
I replaced the diode and rectifier with a Podtronics Regulator/ Rectifier without too much modification of the original harness.
The original heat sink disk for the zener diode in '67 was located under the fuel tank on left side. My Atlas had a rectifier mounted under the tool pan under the seat where I mounted the Podtronics . Mounting a modern reg/rectifier near the original rectifier will eliminate some harness revision.

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