RIP Phil

Sad day, but he’s had a good innings.

The coverage of his life and service is very poignant and certainly makes the two other minor royals / LA celebrities currently monopolising the news look very small, insignificant and pathetic IMHO.
I watched most of a documentary yesterday. (Prince Philip: An Extraordinary Life on SBS iirc)

Decorated WWII naval officer, talented pilot in anything that could fly, ,the list is very long and all given up for the love of the future Queen.

RIP Phil
Who really knows but Wills seems like he takes his position seriously. At least his wife does. Bit of a shame he cannot
take a ride on a bike anymore. Why do we lock these guys up in fear for their lives? In days of old they sat a horse upon
the field of battle.
After you turn 80 years of age, you are on the last lap of a five lap race. Prince Phillip crashed just before he got to the flag. I have got a couple of trophies from racing, they are pretty useless. But a letter and a badge from Lizzy would be nice.
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After you turn 80 years of age, you are on the last lap of a five lap race. Prince Phillip crashed just before he got to the flag. I have got a couple of trophies from racing, they are pretty useless. But a letter and a badge from Lizzy would be nice.
When you hit the big 100, you will get a telegram from the Queen, but only if you live in GB.
Have to admit as I get older I do lose a little respect for this lot. Phrases like: 'outmoded institution' do start to resonate with me.
Yes, I'll agree that HM has served her role with the gravitas (and some humour) that is commendable, but the following generations have been caught out by more intrusive and universal media, perhaps?
But as for the ubiquitous: 'They're good for tourism', Paris and Florida could say the same for Mickey Mouse, no?
When the republic was put to the vote in Australia, I voted for it. But now I think I was being stupid. The Westminster system of government is very good. The execution of Charles The First set a precedent. If the monarch acts arbitrarily, they can be dealt with under the law of the land. In Australia we have many dead-set idiots who would love to be our President. Our Conservatives are agin Australia becoming a republic, but that is bullshit, they would absolutely love that to happen. I don't have much time for the Royals, but I am glad we have got them leading us. We don't need any dictators.
I think the British avoid voting in a dictator like the plague, we had first hand experience of that under Roman rule. . . . .
When the republic was put to the vote in Australia, I voted for it. But now I think I was being stupid. The Westminster system of government is very good. The execution of Charles The First set a precedent. If the monarch acts arbitrarily, they can be dealt with under the law of the land. In Australia we have many dead-set idiots who would love to be our President. Our Conservatives are agin Australia becoming a republic, but that is bullshit, they would absolutely love that to happen. I don't have much time for the Royals, but I am glad we have got them leading us. We don't need any dictators.
I'n no monarchist either, but we have a system that works and has been proven to do so (Gough's double dissolution!).
The republic referendum was put to the people without stating what the new model was nor how it would work. Essentially the pro-republicans were saying "trust us!" - like bloody hell!
Approving of the monarchy as it is and not approving of some of the royals as people is fine by me. Like saluting the uniform not the fellow in it. And not to say I don't like the Queen she has done a fine job. Not anti-Charles though he does have some odd notions. As I say it is the institution that we are talking about.
So how long now for the Queen? Her mum lived to a ripe old age, 103 or thereabouts, is she hoping to hang on and out live Charles so he doesn’t get to be king, and instead we go straight to Wills. I can but hope.