New Dawn foaming cleaner

mean gene

Dec 21, 2020
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Wife just heard about this product. It REALLY works! It may not be best for polished surfaces but great for rough surfaces that get grungy like a cylinder head. Also cleaned yellow crap from Amals! This Norton has 11,000 miles so you know how they get. It foams on warm engine, just rinse!

New Dawn foaming cleanerNew Dawn foaming cleaner
We use to have a brand of toilet paper called Dawn the old joke was, what happens when Dawn breaks, a messy finger lol.
My son had a massive oil leak on a seca 900.
He used that to clean the bike up. rear tire was coated also. He said it did a good job
Good info.
Dawn dishwashing soap has been a go to degreaser for years.
Now more user freindly..
Dawn is, or was at one time the the go-to cleaner/degreaser used for oil spill clean up of most any object including birds and small mammals coated in free floating crude oil.
Yep cleans birds and all Buddy has oil wells and used it for years to "clean up"! Now EPA won't allow it! F'ed up government regs!
The EPA...a good idea run amok and now an out of control bureaucracy.
Who really runs the EPA? And I don't mean whatever bureaucratic dumbass was recently appointed.
I counted archive docs listing 17 separate committees having jurisdiction.
Bureaucracy = Clusterf%$k.
Call me weird, but the the only part that I want oil-free are the tires.

WD-40 washes off chain lube, etc
Dawn is good stuff, but out of my price range by a few X's. In my neck of the woods, dollar store 'LA's Totally Awesome all purpose concentrated cleaner' has served me very well. Oh it's up to $1.25 now. I have taken decades of rancid grime off engines with that stuff. I took to reading the PDF data sheets on the cleaners to see what the active ingredients are. Most of it is marketing, but with a name like that it has to be good, no? It's like the 'Live Mega Doppler 7000 HD' radar on LA news channel 7 - it has to be the BEST!
Wife just heard about this product. It REALLY works! It may not be best for polished surfaces but great for rough surfaces that get grungy like a cylinder head. Also cleaned yellow crap from Amals! This Norton has 11,000 miles so you know how they get. It foams on warm engine, just rinse!

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Yes! I came here to start a thread basically saying what you said!

I've always used Palmolive, but my cleaning lady told me that Dawn was much better. Step one of my process to make cases and heads look new is to wash them. At best 409 and Palmolive were getting most of the oil off.

I started on a particularly filthy head today and was getting nowhere. So, I went to the store to get Dawn. Squirted some on a area of thick road grime and brushed for a few seconds - gone! I was shocked! I had already used 409, Palmolive and a lot of brushing and accomplished almost nothing.
Per the Internet gurus: Make your own with regular Dawn dishwashing liquid, water and some rubbing alcohol in squirt bottle.
New Dawn foaming cleaner

On the above recommendation I went ahead & got some of this from Amazon, and it really is ace!

The fins were caked in a greasy run of Graphogen from the rose nuts/exhaust ports. The pics don't do it justice.

New Dawn foaming cleaner

New Dawn foaming cleaner

Cheers @mean gene 👍
Alkaline solutions are good degreasers. The higher the ph, the better but high ph also damages aluminum

Dawn Ultra ph is 9
409 is 9-11.5
Simple Green is 8.5-9.5
Super Clean is 12.5-13.8

Interestingly, Dawn Ultra is 20% sulphuric acid

All of this can be found on the MSDSs

Super Clean can remove grease like nobody’s business