
Not a lot of chance finding a really nice Commando under $7,500.

Even a $5,000 one will need a going over, and you end up at $7,500.
Didn't see those atrocious ape-hangers. A high crime putting that on a Commando.

If you like the bike and it fires your rocket too high a price is only spectators opinions. Your satisfaction with the machine is what matters.... Besides it may take a shine to you in turn and behave. It's not really a purchase anyway.... more like a marriage. In both your money is gone and given freely, although the Norton won't get fat on you.
Plump girls need love too.... I'm going for a ride.... Just to rub it in a little on all of you snowbirds.... Kris I hope you live where you can enjoy the Norton for more than two weeks out of the year when you get one.... Phffft!.To snow & ice.
Thanks NPeteN - I was beginning to think I was the only one to see them ( the high bars )...;);)
I'm not scared of a bike that needs a little attention. That's why I have you guys! I'm worried I may get in over my head though.

Sometimes I'm all for buying a Commando. Other times I talk myself out of it. I've already got a Triumph. Why do I need 2 bikes? (That goes through my head all the time!)
Sometimes I'm all for buying a Commando. Other times I talk myself out of it. I've already got a Triumph. Why do I need 2 bikes?
I’m with fast Eddie on this one - that kind of thinking will get you married-
Then you'll get old and find yourself needing the ones you sold back because they're the only ones which understand you.
Motorcycles and tools are the only two things a man may purchase his hearts desire of without suffering the guilt of being a hoarder. Fret not. It's normal and let no one convince you otherwise. Repeat after me 'It's only an investment' 3million times while clicking your heels. Todo is here too.
Optimal Number of MCs = Currunt Number of MCs +1
The math changes in certain situations, such as moving into a new house with a 2-car garage and a strict HOA committee that has a cruiser noting violations in order to issue fines. Add to that the cost to store bikes that don't fit in my side of the garage...

My current optimal math is Current Number of Bikes (17) - X.

X= the number that will not fit in my new shop once it's finished...
I knew my last comment would start a fire! :p

I can't think of anyone that I know that rides and only has 1 bike! It gets in the blood! I NEED another motorcycle.
I cut back to two and then quit riding for 20 years because of my back and neck... Then took a look at life as I grew old and realized a very large part was missing.
grandpaul I believe has enough bikes to outfit a medium sized city, and some of those are lookers. Couple of others here have healthy caches also. My needs are simple and I only require two more to fulfill any future necessities.
I have trouble with my back and neck too, occasionally. Riding actually helps me. It may be a stress relief situation. I don't think I could ever give up riding.
I cut back to two and then quit riding for 20 years because of my back and neck... Then took a look at life as I grew old and realized a very large part was missing.
grandpaul I believe has enough bikes to outfit a medium sized city, and some of those are lookers.
thought semi retired & dumped most of it

OP, how much ready to pay?
Wow, old thread re-visited a year on...

Regarding the optimal number of bikes (my former number being 17-X), that number is now 13-X.

I believe X, at this point, is 7.

I also believe the OP is long gone; last posted 9/5/2020. Was it something we said?