961 at Mallory Festival 1000 Bikes

May 8, 2005
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I am suprised know one has mentioned it yet. I have seen them at shows and I have also seen number 40 at a local bike show where the proud owner loved it but I had not seen one ridden properly until Sunday at Mallory park. I was sitting near the end of the Kirkby straight hoping it would make an appearance on the track as the Norton roadshow was there and then it happened, while Freddie Spencer and other past masters were having fun on the track this beautiful black and gold machine whizzed by sounding perfect with its cut down not for road use silencers. Ok I admit it had an impressive pilot on board by way of Chris Waker the Stalker but that 80 hp machine certainly mixed it with the race machines on the track and watching him overtaking round Gerards bend was awe inspiring, I was glad mallory is a short circuit so you didn't have to wait too long to see and hear it again just a shame the track session didn't last for longer.
If I had had the asking price in my bank account I would have ordered one there and then. May have to clear a few out to raise the coin for one. :mrgreen:
There's one for sale in scotland on the M.C.N Website, No 5
i spoke to the owner ( as mine is no 6 for feedback ) he's not very happy with it and is selling, never rode it.
Told me will be happy to get his money back plus his expenses......................................
Interesting - 'never rode it, doesn't like it??!!'

That statement definitely requires some qualification, IMHO.
I'd also be more than happy to get all my money back plus expenses(????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!) if I sold anything less than a Van Gogh (or my bevel :wink: ).
I'm sitting here wondering WTF this guy's motives and expectations are with respect to an early model production bike :|

I'd also welcome Richard's impressions, and having spoken to the owner, how they compare?
"He's unhappy with it"

Sounds like he might be an "investor".

In the boom times for Harley Davidson, when you had to wait up to 18 months to get your machine, people would list the machines for sale when they got a delivery date, with a huge mark-up for "expenses". For many years you could purchase a new Harley and sell it 2-3 years later for more than you bought it for.

The guy is clearly stoopid and missing the point.

You don't need to ride a 961. Just put it in the garage and visit it often with a box of Kleenex....

Black and Gold oooerr...
"What a coincidence. I've never ridden one and I don't like it either."

ROFLOL... Good one!!! :lol:
Richard Barks said:
There's one for sale in scotland on the M.C.N Website, No 5
i spoke to the owner ( as mine is no 6 for feedback ) he's not very happy with it and is selling, never rode it.
Told me will be happy to get his money back plus his expenses......................................

So, what about No.6?

There was a lot of excitement leading up to the big day.......

26 May 2010
Richard Barks said:
Picked up my new norton from the factory this morning
Firt impressions very favourable as i have done only 9 miles on it to soon to tell.

And then...problems?:

12 Jun 2010
Richard Barks said:
has anybody out there got one, would like to compare notes with mine

But since then.......nothing???........
L.A.B. said:
But since then.......nothing???........

I was just about to ask the same question. I would love to hear an owner's view. C'mon, don't leave us hanging like this.

From what I can glean from the recent tests in the mags, the testers commented that the only real glitch is the position of the gear lever, which the factory say will be replaced by a linkage that they are developing.