I balanced my front and rear 72 Commando wheels yesterday and today. The rear used .5 oz to balance and the front used 1.0 oz. Are these amounts of weight typical? I was using adhesive steel rim weights but am going to order spoke weights. Thanks.
I use solder to determine weight needed - in the past I turned weights on the lathe out of old bronze propeller shaft and then faced and weighed on postal scale to match solder
I use the same 1/4 oz zinc plated steel adhesive weights. Used to use the lead ones and just trim them to the right weight, but they have been illegal to install in California for almost 10 years now. And the fine can be as high as $2500 PER DAY of use!
Anyhow, I have had to use anywhere from zero to two ounces. Taking a quick look at bikes in the shop, I get 3/4 oz front and 1 1/4 oz rear on the MK3 with 19" Avons on spoked wheels, 3/4 oz front and 1/4 oz rear on 961 with 17" Dunlops on CF wheels, zero front and 1 1/4 oz rear on Triumph Speed Triple with 17" Dunlop tires on cast aluminum wheels, 1/2 oz front and rear on MK3 with 18" Shinko tires on cast mag wheels, and 1/2 oz front and rear on TDM 850 with 18/17" Bridgestones on cast aluminum wheels.
Based on that, your weights look pretty typical to me.
the state of comifornia is worried the children will eat them just like the time you could not buy a small motorcycle because of the lead in the levers.
Used to use the lead ones and just trim them to the right weight, but they have been illegal to install in California for almost 10 years now. And the fine can be as high as $2500 PER DAY of use!
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