Wells Fargo commercial

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Feb 20, 2012
A friend just told me about a Wells Fargo commercial that has a Norton in it. I tried to view it on the Internet, but access is restricted. It possibly is "user error", as that has been my experience whenever I run into a wall on a computer. Is there a way to watch this video?


Good luck, don't get your expectations up to high. You'll see about as much Norton as you would body at a Sally Rand show.
I think that is a Matchless single behind it. Diablo you are really dating yourself... Sally Rand, now that's old! I'm 60 and my Mom told me about Sally Rand when I was a kid.
batrider said:
I think that is a Matchless single behind it. Diablo you are really dating yourself... Sally Rand, now that's old! I'm 60 and my Mom told me about Sally Rand when I was a kid.
Thanks for telling us who Sally Rand was. While we're on topic tell me batrider, did you see the Norton in his avatar photo?
Diablo you are really dating yourself

I've been dating myself for years, who else would have me. My mom told me about her too. Another case of lowering expectations, or to put it in a phrase of a more current decade, "Where's the beef?".

OK, which one is Trixie?
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