Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on bike.

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Re: Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on b

Another question, what is supposed to be connected to each of these lines on a central oil tank ?.
Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on bike.

Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on bike.
Re: Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on b

Oh, you've got the new central tank. Nothing goes on the hose coming out into the air filter. It just drools oil down through the filter onto the top of the GB. The breather tube from the left side of the crank case (timed breather port) goes to the tube by the top hat thingie. It routes over the primary and up by the left panel and onto that spigot, unless it's different for that tank.

Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on bike.

Wanted:Pictures of Venhill oil line and chain oiler on bike.

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