WotIdidinmine , was Have the CAM , If we agree , the same . As I had been told it was a 3S , it was a bit trickey to get 2S timing . Stuff that for a joke . Find Overlap , Throw 2 & 1 , if that was it , on the chain / teeth ,
To get 3 deg early . Rather than middle of overlap at TDC . Easy . Set at TDC & middle , then reset to how . AS it was a THREE ESSE , it was SET AT 0.016 . Which was darn good .
But it had W&S springs ( Norvil ) at the 0.040 clearances here & there . Plus Mk II amals & BSA Auto Adv. So sat at 500 rpm while you went & made a coffe . And drank it .
Thwang Twang Twang Twang . Would watltz on the side stand some days . So youd have to cut it while you drank it , or take other measures . Maybe it picked p a few hundred , warm .
From 4-800 to 5 000 .
So , their you are . No Rattles . I believe it got a Newtons Cradle effect , throwing the followers , with the Prog Rate Valve Springs , the THWAng WAS THE VALVE THROWN OPEN .oops .
So Neutral loading , less friction . blah blah . But Yr supposed to keep it under 3200 for some time. To Bed In . So fancy follower lube , might be a good idea . Pre or in oil .
Ran That Cklearance all the time the cam was in it . about 8000 MILES , stutter at 3200 , on the go past 3500 , as in its on all twelve cylinders , then. as it were .
So your eyeballs were on stalks . or thrown back . 23 T gave a ' sweet spot ' of 80 , touring . in top .
Essentially a " TWO STAGE " effect , corse throttle below three o.k. , past 3500 is hyper mode . Some restraint reqd. tickly in the wet . Then Agian , throwing it into a corner 1/3 faster than usual fastest ,
and throttle steering it thru , drifting . Or the balk out , front drifting , speedo on 60 leant over coming out of it , on a off camber , id think at 20 / 25 up out to 40 maybe . so it has some grunt .
Dont take liberties tho if your brains at half mast . Or drink . They camber steer . Id leave Dew Cati 900s etc alone . As their frame etc is twice as stiff , and they had those new fangle Metzlers or perillis .
AND you wanted to watch the car in front moved off , a length or half , at the lights , before getting under way . Or youd be in & out on the clutch and weaving , unless you went over , around , or through it .
Seen a Hondas red 250 / 500 or two go over or up a VW . So , a count of TWO , before ' follow ing ' ( we think ) or you could tap it . 21 or 22 might not be as bad . A swine to jet .
No Battery , mayve been current / rpm related , as only 2 MC & 6 Volt . where you want real coils . Think t was 220 / 240 notta lotta differance , but 230 + Id think , safer .