Keith1069 said:
Been thru all this myself and IMHO the only way you can have oil p*****g out of the barrel base is if the cases are pressurised and there is no venting at all.
You capped off the original lower case breather but still added and teed the pipe. Why do that if it was sealed off?
If the XS breather is the right way round it sounds like the good old 'Combat' characteristic of oil being whipped around inside the cases and pooling at the rear leaving a void at the front where the return pickup is sited. On my original 'Combat' cases with slightly worn but not knackered rod journals the cases filled with oil above 4000 rpm and vitually emptied the tank in 10 miles. Under 4k no problem. I had the rear breather capped and an 850 style installed in the timing case with the 3 x 3/8" holes drilled. Strange thing is that even though the tank contents ended up in the cases and I have to guess the timing chest, it did not return up the 1/2" to 3/8"breather even with all that pressure. All it did was pee out the joints. The tank was vented to the airbox so explain that!!
I'm aware there are plenty of Combat owners out there who never had a problem and it seems with the original breather it just about works, the Norton OC tech notes state more oil went up the breather than via the oil pump return so there must be something in that. 'Fastback's' reply confirms that.
I think the rule is that if you mess/improve the breathing on a 'Combat' style motor with the lower breather you have to do the work on blocking the front pickup and opening up the rear as per Old Britts tech notes. Was this done on yours?
A blanking plate I ordered has been backordered, so I tried plugging the original tube with a bolt until I could get a blanking plate. The oil is coming out from behind the washer and nut holding the case together as shown in pic #2. I don't have it capped and teed. It is after I tried running with it from the timing case and it still leaked is when I tried it teed together with no positive results.
I don't think it is a combat, how would you know,being a Dunstall the head is stamped "M" modified where a combat is stamped with a "C". With engine number being 210105 it may be in a series where ther wet sumping may be an issue.