Ultrasonic Carb Cleaning

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Apr 15, 2009
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Although I cleaned some, ahem, non-Norton carbs I wanted to share my experiences. Because of the relative simplicity of the Amals I've never really had much trouble cleaning them, aside from the embedded pilot jet.

Anyways I have not been able to get the Alazzurra to run right. After consulting some folks they suggested dirty carbs. Well, that was all the excuse I needed to by another ultrasonic cleaner. I have a small ultrasonic cleaner I got my wife for Christmas a while ago. Of course she's never used it. But it's too small and unheated so I sprung for the bigger one. It was on sale for $75 and I had a 20% off coupon so it cost me $60. I also got a gallon of Simple Green HD. Apparently the original Simple Green can dissolve some alloys if you leave them in too long. HD is not suppose to have that problem. I had to go to Home Depot for the Simple Green. I mixed it about 50/50 with some distilled water.

I was pretty happy with the results. Carbs back together and now it will idle correctly.
Good info Dave. Could you tell us who sells these, and where we might look for a 20% off coupon? Thanks1
All three together produce the best results: solvent, heat & ultrasonic waves.

I like the el-cheap-o baking soda blaster made from an air wand, piece of tubing and box of soda.
Since Im currently dealing with an Amal problem, ahem three times, wondering if
it can actually penetrate those low speed air and gas passages which lead to and
from the despised embedded idle jet. The pix of the ultrasonic unit on HF
looks like you dunk it and let it run. GP sounds like he is using some sort of
beadblaster like device.
Wots the story here?
You can blast as much as reachable with baking soda, and rince clean with water for no residue. Baking soda is an excellent media for blastind delicate parts, it dosn't remove any metal, only varnish and the crud.
swooshdave said:
. I have a small ultrasonic cleaner I got my wife for Christmas a while ago. Of course she's never used it. But it's too small and unheated so I sprung for the bigger one.
I was pretty happy with the results. Carbs back together and now it will idle correctly.

Sounds like the 9hp concrete mixer I bought my wife one birthday,ungrateful some people.
Did this do a proper job, cylinder head size one would be nice.
In my experiece ultrasonic cleaning is not always succesful in removing obstructions in the idle jet of a Concentric.
It could be that I was just unlucky, but in my opinion the only way to deal with a clogged idle jet is to clean with a #78 drill.
The jets are clear, checked with the .015 drill. Wanting the passages to
be likewise without pulling the welch plug or drilling the opposite side
of the air mix screw.
Suspect Im looking for a free lunch. :-(
xbacksideslider said:

Not to divert the thread (which is a good one) . . . . but, it's about Harbor Freight, and it's funny.
heading there right now for a pair of those muppet gloves! :shock:
I fixed it for you. :mrgreen:

xbacksideslider said:

Not to divert the thread (which is a good one) . . . . but, it's about Horrible Freight, and it's funny.
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