Assumeing youre not storing it in a leaky shed or tropical jungle , Damp Moist high humidity dungeon , it'd be fine .
PROVIDED its all lubed & oiled generously .Use the specification Pratt & Whitney used for the crated sea plane engines.
They tossed them off the ship & towed them ashore. No Jettys . Er Now where was I .
Did a ford V4 with the Pressed in Gudgeons where they heat the rod to fit ,
Stored in truck engine bay for 12 weeks outdoors , the dew / humidity meant the dry gudgeons froze in the pistons .Required Crankshaft removel to remove rods ,
free off & oil . i.e. near a complete strip .
Now where was I . ! YES the point being , Some people recomend DIPPING complete assembled pistons in a can of OIL .
( pistons , rings & rod Fitted .
ALSO the timing chain .
THEN theres the Cam Lube ,
AND Primeing the Oilways.
A paranoid Neurotic , or decadant capitalist could fill entirely with ( good) oil.Drain off and swing through plugless before start up .
Chain Oil aerosol is good INHIBITOR for all steel componentry .( valve seats etc )
Moreys heavy duty oil stabilisor would do if not turnig it into Alli Babbas lamp .Camoline is sheeps wool oil , R.A.F. issue .
For storage of Maserati's and the like , daining used oils and filling all cases is recomended for lng term storage .