As a youth, many of my friends rode dirtbikes, in both organized events and for recreation. Most were scared shitless of street riding, having heard all the horror stories and seen firsthand how many brain-dead morons were allowed to drive multi-ton battering rams. I, on the other hand, could only afford a bike if it had a plate on it and could be used for transportation. Now, 40+ years later, most of them walk with permanent limps and don't even ride anymore due to the adverse experiences they had on their "much safer" off-road motorcycles. Although I took a 15-year hiatus to concentrate on raising children and paying the bills, I ride around 10,000 miles per year, all on public roads, and, despite a couple of accidents/injuries, walk better than any of my ex- dirtbike riding friends. If I had known a silly picture would have elicited so much hand-wringing and sage advice, I probably wouldn't even have posted it. Lighten up, gentlemen. Nobody gets out of here alive.
If she decides to actually take up motorcycles, she'll have all the gear and training she needs.