The last ride

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May 23, 2011
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Today was a great day for a last ride. A bit chilly with bright sun and clear skies made for a peaceful jaunt through the wine country.
Anyone familiar with the Sacramento Valley knows that getting out of the flats and into the surrounding hills is so much fun.
I went from Woodland through Lake Berryessa on to Napa stopping along the way to admire the sites.
On this trip it seemed I was in the zone, passing cars and trucks on those twisty roads going like the kid I used to be when I got this bike new. I'm 55 now.
It was so relaxing road racing like that. I finally arrived home, cold and tired but elated to have gone on this ride.

My 18 yo boy was in the driveway when I pulled up.
Just then he noticed the rear tire. "Hey pop, Have looked at your rear tire lately?"
I looked at it and it was down to the threads. The rubber was peeling back on the sides and there was no tread pattern left.
Just then I got this sick feeling in my gut that I could have been killed and that this last ride could have been "My last ride" for good.
I put it on the center stand and spun the wheel. What a freaking idiot I was to have not noticed the tire.
I grabbed the wheel and pushed it side to side. The swing arm had so much slop in it.
Yeah, it felt swishy as I went over grooves and lines in the road but I gave it no thought because I was to much enjoying to be able to ride it after all these years of it being out of commission.

So today is my last ride.
Tomorrow I will tear it down, rebuild the swing arm, iso's and head steady, put in a new brake drum and chain, Primary chain and do all the mods to the tranny like seals in the cover and lay shaft bearing and bushings. Oh, and new tires.
This spring I'll paint the tank.

I'll have plenty to keep me busy this winter and spring while all the time imagining that last ride and how lucky I was and how stupid I was all in the name of "Fun".
It"s good to be home.
It's amazing how good these bikes feel even when they are not in proper fettle. Sounds like you're in for the Kegler mod. I hope you enjoy working on the Norty as much as I do. Let's be careful out there and keep an eye on the treads.

Just then I got this sick feeling in my gut that I could have been killed and that this last ride could have been "My last ride" for good.

Good on you Guido, welcome to my world, just make sure you feel this way every ride, like its your last - as some day it will be.
Have fun, I just got done with mine. When I took the tranny apart just so see why second gear had a whine I noticed the layshaft bearing was shot. The brass retainer was all gone and the balls were staring to pack around to one side, one more ride and it would have been real bad. Took me four months and i went through everything except crank, pistons, head they were in great shape.
Better hurry! It was 70 on the coast today! We're on the backside of winter!
I guess we have all been there at some stage of our lives.
I had a similar ride once, couldn't understand why we got the speed wobbles at 90 mph.
Pulled into a Servo to check tyre pressures and found a rear axle nut loose.
All's well that ends well Guido,
Thanx guys.
Yeah, I'm sitting here waiting for the sun to rise so I can tear into it.
I was so stoked when I finally got the bike running at the end of last summer that I just threw all caution and common sense to the wind and just rode every chance I could.
I won't be doing that again. I'll do the Kegler mod, the lay shaft mod and any other mod I can afford.
Work has been real good. Been swamped with jobs. Construction is really starting to pick up since the down turn.

I've been checking prices for parts and seem to find the RGM has the best prices. Am I right?
Or is there a better place to find parts here in the states?
Thank God for Visa.

Can't wait for the morning to get busy.
I found RGM to have good prices, even with the shipping to USA. I got a package in 3 days one time. But I always check around.

......."I've been checking prices for parts and seem to find the RGM has the best prices. Am I right? Or is there a better place to find parts here in the states?"....... don't forget oldbritts, they're pretty close to your neck of the woods. Glad your ride ended well, what kinda rear tire was it and what are you thinking of replacing it with? Cj
Check Walridge and Old Britts for parts. Both offer great service too. I once called Ella (Old Britts) on Thursday afternoon and asked her if there was anyway to get some parts out before they closed for the weekend. It gave her about an hour. I had my bits on Saturday before noon and was able to get to work on the bike. That's fast!
i guess a pre-flight checkout is not on your typical agenda Guido? might wanna think about starting that!
+1 on Old Britts GREAT people and always helpful, Ed rebuilt a motor for me back in 06 and it has been the best oil tight motor I could have asked for. Strong pull and even runs great two up at 10,900 ft. (Colorado rally) Ella is great at helping with those special requests, Like rvich said. More than a few times I would ask if she could please hurry and she always came through, Nothing worse than being a seal,spring or gasket away from riding. Have fun with the project, Chuck.
Another vote for Old Britts, Ella is great to deal with and Fred has been helpful in figuring out things and with questions I have had.
Guido,I just back after a ride on my new rear tire. The old one wasn't showing threads, but it wasn't showing much tread either. It assumed a squarish shape in cross section. The difference was like day and night. Steady tracking in the straights and no more weird stuff in the corners. Commandos seem to be really sensitive to tire condition and inflation.
Just because tires have a short life on THE Gravel don't mean I like em hard and old and worn. If not careful and aware flat worn old tires can get ya in trouble.
Ya can't really say anything about how a Commando feels running or behaves turning at base unless both tires in good fresh condition.
Funny thing about parts, I had used Walridge before many years ago and the came across Phil @ Fair Spares. Phil Has a ton of knowledge and is willing to explain until you get it.
He has done all my head work for me. I pulled a head stud last year and called he but he was off to NY for the rally So I called Rabers to do the repair, sent Bob the head and he said it had to be stripped bare to weld up the stud hole for retapping and then the head had to be resurfaced. Turn around time was to be 1 week.
I got the head back in 3 weeks, it was never stripped prior to welding or machining and was full of swarf.
I had to strip it and totally clean it. Bob Rabers was gone on vacation during this whole time.
Called him up, he appologised and gave me $75 in store credit only after me asking for some kind of compensation for me having to tear it apart.
Before I sent it to him he told me he was going to put in an insert and not a heli coil. He didn't.
This was the first time I used him. I doubt I will go back there unless I have to.
I will save more bucks from RGM I have found.

The tires I am running are K81 4.10x19. I like them cuz they handle so well, like riding on a knifes edge.
As for the pre fight check list,,, you bettch ya.

I spent the whole day today cleaning my shop so I could tear this bike down. I started to pull the swing arm, go about 30 minutes into it and quit.
I had been up since 3am getting the shop ready. Needless to say my shop was a freakin' mess.

I am thinking it would be easier to pull the oil tank, rear fender to work on the iso's and swing arm, no?
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