Kicking my 74 850Commando is exacerbating an old motorcycle knee injury on my right leg. The more I start the bike, the more I am up at night. I've had some relief by left kicking on the center stand, but If I mess that knee up, there's none left!
In my darker moments I have begun to have doubts if this is the right bike for me. I don't want to go to drastic expensive measures (retrofit electric start) because the bike is a lovely stock condition and I want to keep it that way.
I have searched the forum and found tips like a longer kick lever, for leverage I assume, and moving the kicker downward so I could use more body weight to kick (Once again an assumption). Is the longer kick lever the one Old Brits has pictures of on it's website, designated as a Mk 111? Or am I looking for something else? How far down can I move the kicker and still have an effective start?
There is no evidence of wet sumping or anything else I can blame for a hard kick, but there might be something I'm not aware of. I would appreciate any ideas, tips or suggestions to reduce the joint stress. I had a 77 Bonneville and it didn't kick anywhere near as hard. At least that's what I remember, but I was younger then too.
In my darker moments I have begun to have doubts if this is the right bike for me. I don't want to go to drastic expensive measures (retrofit electric start) because the bike is a lovely stock condition and I want to keep it that way.
I have searched the forum and found tips like a longer kick lever, for leverage I assume, and moving the kicker downward so I could use more body weight to kick (Once again an assumption). Is the longer kick lever the one Old Brits has pictures of on it's website, designated as a Mk 111? Or am I looking for something else? How far down can I move the kicker and still have an effective start?
There is no evidence of wet sumping or anything else I can blame for a hard kick, but there might be something I'm not aware of. I would appreciate any ideas, tips or suggestions to reduce the joint stress. I had a 77 Bonneville and it didn't kick anywhere near as hard. At least that's what I remember, but I was younger then too.