If you have a sloppy swingarm tube fit, but your spindle/bushing fit is good, then you just add the kegler clamps. No need to get an oversize spindle.
I don't see what an oversize spindle does to fix any swingarm problem. Either the cradle's swingarm tube gets wallowed out and sloppy, so you add the clamps to correct the flaw in the swingarm tube, OR you replace the spindle and bushings if there is a sloppy fit between the spindle and bushings.
All the oversize spindle does is force you to ream the bushings. You would be better off just buying a new stock spindle and new bushings to fix that kind of play. An oversize spindle doesn't fix the problem with the swingarm tube, but the kegler clamps does fix it... No excessive play between the swingarm tube and spindle, and no excessive play between the spindle and the bushings... and you'll be set.
My bike had horrible handling due to the wallowed out swingarm tube. As a young man, I tried changing the swingarm bushings and it didn't improved the handling. At the time I really didn't see the big picture and rode the bike like that for decades.... Then, I read about the kegler clamp modification here on the site, and I realized this was the cure to handling issue that I could not track down... My bike handles really well now.... thanks to the site and Mr. Kegler.