SU HIF6 carb conversion details?

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Mar 12, 2009
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Ladies and Gents,

I bought a hardly used but pretty old SU HIF44 with unknown history recently which I intend to use for a SU conversion. off course there's some open questions on this:

- Needle and spring: In the Duckworth book a AUD632R is mentioned. I found out that this is a HIF6 which belongs to a Rover 2200 from the early seventies and probably sports a BBW needle and a green piston spring. I also got some info from one owner of a Phoenix conversion that his carb is a HIF44 with a BFD needle, however that is an 850 and mine is a 750 Atlas with slightly higher CR (8.5:1 or something like that). Does anybody have an opinion on SU needles and springs for this application?

- Manifold: I'd like to see some pictures of SU installations, especially if somebody has allready put an SU into a Featherbed.

- Any other comments on what to take into account, watch out for etc......

Best regards,

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