Stator Wires Routing

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Dec 8, 2017
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Should the stator wires that exit through the rear wall of the inner primary case be routed through the gap that exists between the back of the crankcase and the front of the engine/gearbox cradle, or should they be turned 90 degrees towards the rear right after they exit the primary and routed along the back of the primary case between the back of the inner primary case and the side of the gearbox cradle?
For the most part it seems the commando alternator wires go between the engine and cradle. The alternator wires usually drop down from above on top of the gearbox between the cradle plates So the wires do the most gentle route this way. least chance for chaffing/abrasion
not knowing what series commando you have makes this only a general prediction.
Thanks. My bike is a 1974 850 Commando. The wires on my bike do route between the cradle and the engine but I have seen it done the other way as well and wasn't sure which was the correct routing.
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