Spray-On Chrome

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Jan 1, 2009
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I came across this product on a Triumph (car) forum today:

http://www.jaylenosgarage.com/video/spr ... e/1232328/

Leno's Garage is a fun place to go for automotives; Leno supported his early comedy habit as a motorcycle wrench, and clearly loves anything with an engine.

The product appears to be an amazing replacement for chrome. It's a painting process and is limited to use where normal paint would survive; in other words, not on the engine. Still, there are many places on a Commando that could benefit from this technique. No toxic chemicals, no special skills.
I see places like auto detail shops advertising that they can re"chrome" a factory plastic grille, or change your grille or other car stuff (emblems, trim, etc.) to gold and really pimp things out. I wonder if that's the same stuff. I could see using it on a thing or two. I'm lucky to have a top notch plater within 50 miles from my house, and they love to cater to hot rod and bike small parts.
Would be nice if Eastwood's would get that stuff and make available in a rattle can or at least in smaller quantities that can be used in a Preval sprayer. I always have something I tinker with that could use a coating of that stuff. The ability to tint the clear in various colors also interests me.
I've bought some 'Chrome' spray paint that was real good looking. Trouble is if you get gas, oil or worse carb cleaner on it, it disappears. But it looked real good if you have a nice shiny metal/plastic surface to put it on and don't rub on it too much.

Sounds like this guy does the 1st coat to fill in the pits and smooth out the bumps, then the chrome and then a protective clear coat. Maybe the clear coat could stand up to gas etc. or at least take a 4th clear coat that would.
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