Reminds me of a story a few years ago a car was driving across the Nulabor and the driver seen a snake across the road and decided to run it over the same thing happened he got it on the tail the snaked leaped up and got the driver on the arm that was hanging out the window, I think it was a King Brown if I remember right, very deadly, he was close to a very small town with a nusre on duty, he was lucky to suvive and had to be flown to a major hospital where he spent 2 weeks recovering.
We have some of the most deadliest snakes in the world here in Australia, Taipans, King brown, Tiger, Redbelly black snake and comon Brown snakes just to mention a few and if they don't get you what about our spiders just as bad, then if you go swimming up north you have man eating crocs as well as Bull sharkes to contend with, our Bull sharkes are the most dangours they love dirty water and will even find them in fresh water, and then there is to worst one of all our famous Drop bear, don't even want to tell you about that one.
Man I love our land down under.