All this talk about side play at the swing arm had me thinking not of the movement side to side but of the sealing.
When I was building my bike back up doing the Keigler mod I had thought about shimming it to have a tighter clearance but in my haste I forgot to do that and together it went.
It does leak out a tiny bit so then I though,"Well this just keeps fresh oil in there as I add it".
Not adding oil to it was to be a headache until I saw someone on here with a slick idea and I copied it so now adding oil is a 30 second deal.
It may leak oil but only because I want it to, not because of a design flaw.
Over 3 or 4 days it will leak about a quarter size drop.
This is the mod
This is where it goes
This is how you fill it. And when done the hose just tucks in around the oil tank cap.