Service Memo

Would you use an online service reminder tool?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • No

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
I am building a new website and planning on rolling it into Access Norton as well. I wanted to take a moment to explain what it is and to get some feed back, via a poll.

It is going to be a service reminder website and section in Access Norton for maintenance. I used to write down when I did oil changes and other on the wall or in my pad and then an excel spread sheet. I originally thought about this just for me, so here is an idea of how it’s going to work.

You add your bike details, model, year mileage etc. (can add multiple bikes) during this process you tell the system approx how many miles you do on your bike per a year and when you want the next oil done. After the bike has been added there will be an option to select services. For example oil change. When you did it, what kind of oil and more notes about it. In the services section it would record historic data for each service. Also, there will be an option to receive an email reminder when my system thinks the oil change will be due next. This will all be done based upon an algorithm I am building, based upon annual miles or time.

There will be other sections to record everything, for example when gearbox oil was done and a reminder email for next time. Valve clearances, etc etc. it goes on and on,

I have multiple bikes and I always forget. I think it will be useful, but not sure if there is any interest in this. As I get older I forget when and for which bike. I tend to over do things.

So I am starting this poll to see if there is any interest. This will help me work out how much time to spend on coding it. If there seems to be interest I will spend more time and it will be more detailed. So far it’s coming along nicely. Still a way to go on coding it and it’s a bit complex.
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The keyboarding is more time consuming than the work.🔧
Just like being at work.

I know I'm the odd man out, but perfectly aligned rows of data do not stimulate me. Write the oil change mileage on the oil cap.
The rest gets done when it needs it.

It might work well for the Mrs. and her daughter so they don't blow up the car., but I doubt it. You can't teach a young dog new tricks now a days!
Hi Jerry,

I think it sounds like a great idea, for some folk.

Personally, I’m old skool and keep most info in a log book and or on the bike (oil info written on oil tanks of track bikes etc).

So YES I think it’s a good idea, but NO it’s not for me.

Not really appropriate for me to vote one way or t’other really.
Thanks for the feedback. That’s what I thought you would all say lol. I will carry on with what I am doing, but won’t roll it into Access Norton, (for now) which saves work. I like the idea of getting an email reminder for various different services for each bike and being able to login and check historic notes. I must admit I am useless at writing things down and I could probably do it using some other online calendar. However it keeps my brain active doing this kind of programming. I think it’s going to be more useful for collectors with many vehicles. As you can tell I like the idea, so onward…
What FE said. There will be some who won't utilize it and others who won't be able to do without.
Still, a nice addition to the site.
As most have said it's a great idea for some, myself have a big white board on my shed wall by the snooker table where I write up when I have done my oil changes on my Land Rover, Norton and Thruxton and when new tyres were fitted/mileage I got out of them, date the batteries got replace and when the dog was wormed last as for anything else I just fix things when needed.
As we age remembering things that is needed to be done we have to write things down, but then where did I put that note pad or where on the computer or phone did I put that file, what's my pin number again lol.

As most have said it's a great idea for some, myself have a big white board on my shed wall by the snooker table where I write up when I have done my oil changes on my Land Rover, Norton and Thruxton and when new tyres were fitted/mileage I got out of them, date the batteries got replace and when the dog was wormed last as for anything else I just fix things when needed.
As we age remembering things that is needed to be done we have to write things down, but then where did I put that note pad or where on the computer or phone did I put that file, what's my pin number again lol.

Hi Ashley, yes I get it mate.
That’s funny.
I will give you login when I am finished to see if I can change your mind lol

Btw to change subject, I am still loving my thruxton. I put British customs predator exhausts on it and raised the bars.
Hi Ashley, yes I get it mate.
That’s funny.
I will give you login when I am finished to see if I can change your mind lol

Btw to change subject, I am still loving my thruxton. I put British customs predator exhausts on it and raised the bars.
Hi Jerry I am glad you love your Thruxton and still enjoying it, mine is the S model and the only thing I have done to it is the Meerkat x-pipe (lucky Meerkat is only a 100 miles from me) and Peter at Meerkat opened up my stock mufflers and put his own made baffles that is the same design as the old Ducti Conti baffles, still quiet when riding normal but open it up sounds great and the mates love riding behind me as they say it sounds so sweet and also a set of Ikon shocks on the rear.
I love both my Norton and my Thruxton, old and new, but I don't touch the Thruxton it keeps going with only oil changes and general maintenance and is well set up for long distant travels but I changed the low clip on bars with the stock bars with the fairing kit a lot more comfortable for all day riding, 2" higher makes a big difference for comfort.

Hope you well for the new year Jerry and your family.

I have in the past used an app on my phone, designed to keep track of fuel consumption, miles travelled and even maintenance item intervals. You'd pull out your phone at fuel stops to enter mileage andfuel amounts, even cost. Designed primarily for those on work related type vehicle usages for reimbursements etc. Stopped using it after awhile, just got too cumbersome for my use.
Hi Jerry I am glad you love your Thruxton and still enjoying it, mine is the S model and the only thing I have done to it is the Meerkat x-pipe (lucky Meerkat is only a 100 miles from me) and Peter at Meerkat opened up my stock mufflers and put his own made baffles that is the same design as the old Ducti Conti baffles, still quiet when riding normal but open it up sounds great and the mates love riding behind me as they say it sounds so sweet and also a set of Ikon shocks on the rear.
I love both my Norton and my Thruxton, old and new, but I don't touch the Thruxton it keeps going with only oil changes and general maintenance and is well set up for long distant travels but I changed the low clip on bars with the stock bars with the fairing kit a lot more comfortable for all day riding, 2" higher makes a big difference for comfort.

Hope you well for the new year Jerry and your family.

I was thinking about doing the meerkat too, but too busy working on my 850 at the moment (upgrading some things). It’s sounds much better with the predator slip ons, they are about half the weight. The main thing for me was raising the bars due to arthritis in hands. I am much happier now with thruxton, was just getting into riding it more and it got cold. Roll on spring! I don’t think I will do much else to it. I might change the grips is all to ones like commando grips…

Yes we are doing well. I am looking forward to coming back to NZ next month for a week or so.
I have in the past used an app on my phone, designed to keep track of fuel consumption, miles travelled and even maintenance item intervals. You'd pull out your phone at fuel stops to enter mileage andfuel amounts, even cost. Designed primarily for those on work related type vehicle usages for reimbursements etc. Stopped using it after awhile, just got too cumbersome for my use.
Can you remember what it was called?
I use an app called "Vehicle Smart". It gives a lot of info' about your vehicles and does have a section where you can enter service details. I don't actually use that part of it though as I have always kept a loose leaf folder in the garage with a section for each vehicle's service history. It's a lot easier and faster than fiddling with an app.