Rickman Commando at Manx GP

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Mar 15, 2009
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Had a get together Saturday with some of the bike crazies I hang out with, and my friend Scott Fabro brought the Commando powered Rickman that he took to the Manx GP last year. It's the ex Mick Ofield bike, and has been through the wars. Mick raced it for years here in Southern California. His wife Hillary got it as part of the divorce, and had Scott riding it for her at a number of races. In 2008 and 2009 I refurbed the bike for her mechanically, but she insisted on keeping it's "patina" and not prettying it up. After Hillary's death, Scott continued to race the bike at local events and some AHRMA races, and last year he had the chance to take it to the IOM for the GP. He had quite an adventure, putting in his practice laps, and sorting the usual mechanical issues, but had some problems and didn't make the actual race. This is a shot of Scott with the bike Saturday.

Rickman Commando at Manx GP

And this is a shot of him getting a little air on the island.

Rickman Commando at Manx GP

I'm always amazed at the amount of hatred some people express during a divorce. What sort of woman would take a man's Rickman Commando away from him ? Surely that must be the unkindest cut of all ? - Still, it IS a lovely bike, perhaps she was an art lover ?
NO 'hatred' was mentioned in this divorce ?
And if she is having it ridden in the Manx GP, obviously has her stuff together and priorities in the right place.
And someone that understands bike patina - wow !

Is it a competitive bike there these days ?
Hi Ken

That is fantastic. Congratulations to Scott for making it to the Island. I can only feel pleasure at the thought of getting there. :D :D

All the best Chris
acotrel said:
I'm always amazed at the amount of hatred some people express during a divorce. What sort of woman would take a man's Rickman Commando away from him ? Surely that must be the unkindest cut of all ? - Still, it IS a lovely bike, perhaps she was an art lover ?

Ah, Alan. You're jumping to conclusions again! Actually, they split up the race bikes. Mick kept the Modern Ducati twins racer and his vintage Ducati singles racer, and Hillary got the Rickman and the Yamaha TR2. It all worked out, mostly.

Rohan said:
NO 'hatred' was mentioned in this divorce ?
And if she is having it ridden in the Manx GP, obviously has her stuff together and priorities in the right place.
And someone that understands bike patina - wow !

Is it a competitive bike there these days ?

Hillary was a serious speedway and road race fan till the day she died, a couple of years back. Part of Scott's motivation in going to the Island was as a tribute to Hillary.

As far as being competitive goes, it's a good mid-field bike unless you have a tight course and exceptional rider. It's a nice lightweight package, but the engine is built for reliability as much as performance. It's pretty much 1970s period spec. Stock cases, crank and rods, ported standard head, factory 4S+ cam, no trick titanium parts, standard Roadholder forks with small mods made by Mick, old style Quaife 5-speed, period Lockheed calipers and disks. He did finally upgrade to a belt primary for the IOM. He'd been running an Atlas clutch with single chain primary, and had his share (and more) of problems with it.

It has a real appeal as an honest, period racer, warts and all. I'm sure I'd get all carried away with restoring and upgrading it if it was mine, so it's probably a good thing I don't own it.

That's a damn fine looking bike, and I appreciate you sharing the photos.
Always sparks my interest to see a period race bike that's running standard engine components. Especially with original patina like that. Very nice stuff. I'm sure it was a pleasure to work on it, and see it get over to the island for some racing.
lcrken said:
acotrel said:
I'm always amazed at the amount of hatred some people express during a divorce. What sort of woman would take a man's Rickman Commando away from him ? Surely that must be the unkindest cut of all ? - Still, it IS a lovely bike, perhaps she was an art lover ?

Ah, Alan. You're jumping to conclusions again! Actually, they split up the race bikes. Mick kept the Modern Ducati twins racer and his vintage Ducati singles racer, and Hillary got the Rickman and the Yamaha TR2. It all worked out, mostly.


Sounds OK to me, Ken. It's just that I get appalled at some of the stories I hear about divorces. It's great to see that Hillary and Mick actually had some smarts about them. It doesn't always need to be acrimonious - there is life after divorce.
Always thought those Rickman Frames were best with the Commando mill , being Pre unit in the mounts and Dimensionally correct in the cradle .
acotrel said:
I'm always amazed at the amount of hatred some people express during a divorce. What sort of woman would take a man's Rickman Commando away from him ? Surely that must be the unkindest cut of all ? - Still, it IS a lovely bike, perhaps she was an art lover ?

I am reminded of that quotation “hell had no fury like a woman scorned”
The husband should have got his prospective bride to be to sign a Prenuptial agreement that his toys belong to him.
I've remarried however I could not convince my lady- love to sign away her right to sue . I suppose it is like signing an indemnity waiver - not worth the paper it is written on ? Why would you worry anyway, life's too short for that. I'm too busy being in love.
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