Rear wheel bearing spacer

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Apr 7, 2004
I just pulled the wheel bearings to refresh them and was depending on the work shop to tell me witch way the spacer goes in. There is a long side and a shorter side. In the manual, it does say that the longer end goes to the speedo drive side but this is for the pre 1971 models with a double row ball on the brake side. It does not say if it is different for the 71 and on model I am working on. The hand make drawing is not anything one could go by in the parts book or the shop manual. Anyone know for sure? I am guessing that the long side still goes in the speedo side because I remember it sticking out just past the bearing. Once you have pressed in the bearings you can't have them out again without destroying them. ... p/117.html

"With the exception that the later rear hub has two single row ball journal bearings in the hub, rather than a single row bearing at the lockring (speedometer) side and a double row bearing at the brake drum side, the dismantling and reassembly details are the same as for the previous wheel."
Thanks Les, That is what the manual says and reading it here it seems clear enough. But if your reading and looking for a witch way does it go answer it's not so clear. Wish the picture was better as well. All noted. Thanks again.
On my 2 '72 Combats and part book drawing the long side
goes to speedo side of hub.

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