I found some 1/4" Al plate scraps at the machinists I frequent, to use to turn engine and nip up nuts sans clutch or rear brake installed. Thought the newbies might like to see an example while its freshly used today on Trixie Combat.
Yes wood blocks work, but only for so long before they chew up I found and too big to carry on bike to rallys. I often use wood stick to jam though shock on spoke nipples but don't like doing that and talking about it : )
Do appreciate the pic, which gets saved in the "'you may need to use this someday" file. I have used wood several times to block things and you are right, it splits, even the hard woods. Imagine what the Norton is doing to our butts.
LOL! My Cdo are kind to my behind.
Wood tends to give and blur my accurate torque feel to me.
I also have-use a 3" long, 1/8" thin 1/2" wide tapped to blunt point wedge and another 1/2"thick x 3/4" long fat wedge, but I forget where I use those on assembly-dis assembly.
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