Power Box woes

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Oct 14, 2009
Hi All
Well, to continue with an earlier thread, Fitted and connected a boyer power box with a charging light and some bloody how managed to frazzle it in a puff of smoke. (This could qualify for the stupidest thing done to a norton by me!!) Someone please correct me if Im wrong, but after I removed the rectifier, zener diodes, capacitor and warning light assimilator. Proceeded to connect power box wires to the ones removed from the rectifier, eg, two alternator connections, one negative connection and one earth connection. Its a positive earth bike as standard. Red wire from power box I connected to battery??. White wire to charging lamp and finally red/white wire to frame.
Swich on Ignition, red warning light didnt illuminate, but after some moments there was the sound of frying and smoke :cry:
Order another unit tomorrow :oops:
Any thoughts where I screwed up??
Somehow you have to put the smoke back in and then everything will be alright.

Yeh, and then I`ll glue the back of the unit where the pungent ooze came out :roll:
the red wire from the power box would be positive, so it would connect to the frame on a positive ground bike and to the hot side of the battery on a negative ground system....sounds like maybe you connected it backwards
aries said:
Red wire from power box I connected to battery??. White wire to charging lamp and finally red/white wire to frame.
Ditto Bluto. Red's usually reserved for the most Positive voltage in the system. Is there a wiring guide that came with the product or some legend of which colours signify what voltages from the unit Aries?
I have seen Lucas smoke for sale but I've never seen Boyer smoke, are they different?

Check the zener diode, if you swapped to negative ground, it would be a direct short. I think that it gets removed if you use a power box.

Good luck.
aries said:
Its a positive earth bike as standard. Red wire from power box I connected to battery??.

Are you sure you didn't connect the Red wire to the battery -ve terminal?

Otherwise all the other connections appear to be correct for positive earth/ground.

aries said:
Proceeded to connect power box wires to the ones removed from the rectifier, eg, two alternator connections, one negative connection and one earth connection.

I don't quite understand what you connected to earth there-unless you mean the Red/White?

Save yourself some money and get a solid state Rect/ reg from Al Oz (around £30) does the same job, 2 wires from the alt to connect and connect 2 wires to the battery (the + via a fuse) job done!

Suspect you got something crossed there!
It's crossed up alright.

Q - You know how you can tell Boyer sparks from Lucas sparks?

A - You can't, neither one sparks.
Lucas smoke is colder because it all come out of refrigerators.


What is this about Lucas Fridges? Everyone knows a decent pint is served at Room Temperature, not chilled. Therefore no market for Prince of Darkness to make fridges :mrgreen: Been that way since the Saxons.

We call it ale. The difference is like being told there are no more Nortons. Powerboxes are merely continuing the tradition :mrgreen: Not sure it applies to Margerittas, though.... :D
Fridges and Saxons-- Certainly this thread has gone up in smoke!!!
So today I drove down to Boyer HQ in Maidstone and got myself another power box unit. Very nice people and they took pity on me for destroying the first unit and gave me a good price. Speaking to the electrical wizard who tested the burnt out unit, seems I may have connected the white wire to the wrong terminal of the warning light. He kindly drew me an idiot proof connection diagram and I shall with some trepidation have a second attempt soon.
Thanks for all your posts. Time for a cold Budweiser, king of beers!?
aries said:
I may have connected the white wire to the wrong terminal of the warning light. He kindly drew me an idiot proof connection diagram and I shall with some trepidation have a second attempt soon.

As I understand it, the White Power box wire connects to the White/Brown wire.
White and brown wire, thats correct. Guess I could use the wire from the disconnected warning light assimilator can.
aries said:
White and brown wire, thats correct. Guess I could use the wire from the disconnected warning light assimilator can.

"Everyone knows a decent pint is served at Room Temperature, not chilled"

Depends on what the room temperature is, not so good at 36 degrees C !

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